It’s All About the Pie
One of my favorite summer pies: Peach Custard
I find there are two kinds of people in the world: pie lovers and cake eaters. Let's...
Bramley’s Seedling Apple: Eye on the Pie
Gracie is banking on my poor sense of balance and propensity to be easily distracted.
Today is hug-a-Brit day, as I'd like to personally thank...
Indian Free Peach Jam: Deliciously Different
While the garnet color of my Indian Free peaches still fascinates me, it's their flavor that leaves my tastebuds at odds. There's the lingering aftertaste of...
Indian Free Peach Delicious, Unique on All Levels
Indian Free Peach: Now here's a peach that pushes the envelope on being a peach. I first discovered it in my research to find another...
Turning a New Leaf on Chard: Easy Greens to Grow
Fresh-picked chard: planted in April, still going strong in October
I used to think that chard was better to look at than eat (even insects seem...
Blacktail Mountain Watermelon: Hot Melon for a Cool Climate
Blacktail Mountain watermelons convening on the counter
Every year I try to grow watermelons and every year by late summer the sprawling vines, lush in vegetation, hold...
Bayernfeige Violetta Fig Finishes Out the Season
Clogged gutters and one wet Tom welcomed October this week, and while I have some rock hard green figs that have no chance of ripening in...
Favorite Savory Fig Recipe: Goat Cheese & Bacon & Figs, Oh My!
Cheesy Fig Bombs Recipe: Figs wrapped in bacon stuffed with goat cheese
If there are figs in your fridge or on your tree, do I...
Madrona Tree: A Sculpture Grows
Madrona Tree: A Work of Art
The Madrona tree seems more living sculpture than growing tree. Gnarled limbs and twisted trunk frame the sky like arms in pose. ...
Saying Goodbye to Summer, Slowly
By summer's end, a bramble's reach knows no boundary.
What my eyes witnessed my brain denied. The shadows were not lengthening; the mosaic of honey locust...