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When Good Plumbing Goes Bad

 Boz has the right idea: outdoor plumbing Last Saturday, I found myself wedged in a space better suited for the likes of the Lollipop Guild...
andirons hand forged

Art Forged in the Everyday: Train Rails Reborn as Andirons

Form going beyond function: andirons forged from train rails Slogging about in a delicate drizzle at a swap meet in south Seattle, I feared that I had stumbled upon...

If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind?

I thought the last line in Shelley's  Ode to the West Wind, a fitting title and tribute to the contrast in seasons as viewed from my back porch;...

Call of the Wild: Bulldogs Need Not Apply

  The kind of snow reserved for and measured by terms like ''once every 50 years" has insinuated itself upon my doorstep-- a doorstep usually protected by a...

The Spirit of Christmas Drives a Pickup

Each year I wonder if, when, or where I’ll cross paths with the spirit of Christmas. Perhaps in a person, sometimes in a moment, always...
Madrona sunrise, snowy morning on Vashon Island

A Winter Guest Is Obliged to Stay

  Morning light meets last night's snow Last night as I returned home from the south end of the island, the snow was falling with a grace and...

Planting Perfume: Fragrant Plants You Won’t Forget

Fragrance plays a magical role in the garden; it transforms a fleeting moment in time to a lifelong memory, an invisible touchstone to a place, person,...

Bulldogs Bothered and BewilderedDust mop takes non-sporting group

Boz and Gracie, a bit out of sorts since their brethren's recent public slight It’s the morning after Thanksgiving, the Friday that can’t be mentioned without...
fresh pumpkin pie

Pick a Pumpkin, Make a Pie

Canned Pumpkin Is Good, Too! The Goal Is Pie! How to Make a Pumpkin Pie from Scratch Using Fresh Pumpkin I made my first fresh pumpkin pie...
warty pumpkin galeux d'eysines

Galeux d’Eysines Pumpkin: You Had Me at Hello

I'm not sure when I first fell in love with growing things. It's a fascination I can't recall not having. Of all the things...