Bramley’s Seedling Apple: Eye on the Pie


bramley’s seedling apple

Gracie is banking on my poor sense of balance and propensity to be easily distracted.

Today is hug-a-Brit day, as I’d like to personally thank the island nation for not only bringing us the most beautiful dog breed in existence, the British Bulldog, but also for cultivating the best baking and pie apple to bless a tree, Bramley’s Seedling.

My young tree is vigorous, productive and unscathed by the usual apple villians: coddling moth and apple maggot. The apples are surprisingly large, very firm, and tarter than a mouthful of Jolly Ranchers and lemon drops combined. If you’re looking for a baking apple, this is the pomme for you.

Description from Dave Wilson Nursery,

Bramley’s Seedling Apple: England’s favorite cooking apple. Large in size, with very tart, creamy yellow flesh that makes highly flavored pies and sauce. Also good for cider. First-picked fruits are mostly green, riper fruit greenish-yellow with uneven reddish or brownish stripes to brownish orange with little or no green. Fully ripened fruit is firm, juicy, less tart and suited to fresh use. Very high in vitamin C. Mid-season harvest, about with Golden Delicious. Keeps two months. Spreading tree is heavy bearing and disease-resistant. Originated in England in the early 1800s. Estimated chilling requirement 800-1000 hours. Sterile pollen, pollenizer required.

Related: The History of the Bramley’s Seedling Apple


  1. Just skated over to your blog from David Lebovitz’s. Bulldogs and Bramley’s – how lovely. 🙂
    I miss, miss, miss being able to cook with Bramleys.
    It’s just too warm where I live to grow many apples – I’ve been hankering for Bramleys, Cox’s Orange Pippens and crisp, lipsmacking Russets like we grew in village of my childhood.
    Have you tried making quick apple turnovers by grating the Bramleys, tossing with sugar & a pinch of salt – then enfolding the mixture into buttery puff pastry? Mmmmm… warms your tummy, your nose and your heart.

  2. We very much like that you are cherishing your Bramley’s. After just returning from the Salt Spring Apple festival (BC) we’ve brought home with us some wonderful heritage apples that will now compliment our orchard. And along with them some tasty Bramley’s and Wolf apples and a few others.

    Thanks you Cherie for sharing your tip for the use of Bramley’s in a quick turnover. We have guest’s arriving from Manitoba today ~ so look forward to trying them out.

    Regards, Debra


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