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Apple Jelly Recipe: Flavorful Chameleon

Bramley's Seedling apple atop a jar of subtle sweetness Apple Jelly Recipe (As You Like It) In the world of making homemade jams and jelllies, apple jelly is the...
two peaches

Growing Peach Trees Organically: Peach Leaf Curl Resistant Varieties I Grow

Mt homegrown peaches: mystery peach on the left, apricot-size Oregon Curl Free to the right.   Indian Free Peach; most unusual and very late season Growing peach trees...

The BLT: Assembly (and a Little Driving) Required

  While my list of favorite things about summer could stretch to Portland and back, I find the BLT (a.k.a. Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich) is...

Spotlight on Summer’s First Fig

Figs are delicious on just about every level. The tree looks tropical, the leaves are the preferred couture of modest statues everywhere, and the...

Build a Wattle for Your Pole Beans

Our friend Jack and his structurally-sound beanstalk are the things of which fairy tales are made. In my garden, a goldfinch can bring down a pole...
blackberries freshly picked

How to Build a Better Berry Basket (or Bucket)

A bountiful morning when you have the right tools. Berry (and cherry) picking is serious business; you pick, eat a few, then try to get them...

About Tom

After years of living in some great Seattle neighborhoods, I left my teeny-tiny house in Seattle (a real-life version of the cottage I drew...

Anna & Ryan’s Wedding: Love Set Sail for Vashon Island

Anna & Ryan: The smiles say it all Yesterday, love came to rest on Vashon Island. That’s not to say it’s not hanging around our...

Letting the Art of Nature Drift By

 One leaf, one stream, some sun, seaweed and a whole lot of pretty. Nature can surely frame a pretty picture, and last Sunday, friends and I...

The Grow Report: Cherry Trees

Fresh tree-ripened Stella Cherries poised for the picking. Here's an update on how my young orchard grows. Stella: Sweet Cherry, 4 years old, first harvest 2008, 3...