Vermiculture: Tom’s New Can of Worms
How to Make a Cheap and Portable Worm Compost Bin
Black Gold, Tall Clover Tea: Homegrown worm castings and compost are in your grasp
My interest...
Mothers Day: Mom’s the Word
A younger me in the company of Mom and Grandma greatness.
Mother's Day is a tough one to get right sometimes; it has been a...
Today Is Special…And So Is Tomorrow
Whether tap water, hard cider (above) or French Champagne, drink up, toast the day.
I have a quirk (okay, maybe a lot of quirks),...
Why Make Compost? Glad You Asked.
Seattle leads the nation in home composting, an impressive development thanks to the City of Seattle and King County's effort to make it easy...
LOVE on the Horizon, Fun Along the Shore
Dom channeling his inner Robert Indiana
The logistical challenges of living on an island serviced by a car ferry are many. When friends come...
Who’s Been Sleeping in My Hammock?
Last Saturday, we received our one allotted day of partly sunny weather for the week, so I feverishly begin tackling the chores reserved for...
Today’s Proverb: A Load of Crap
Today's Proberb (based on local feedback)
He who has a parcel of errands in town, should refrain from first loading his truck with manure...or...
High Fashion Goes to the Dogs
Boz & Gracie Sport a Slicker New Look
Boz and Gracie enjoy taking time to smell the flowers while showing off the latest in farm...
Salmonberry Flower: Pretty in Pink
I don't have a whole lot to say this morning (now there's a switch), but this blossom from a volunteer salmonberry bush (Rubus spectabilis)...
Friends Don’t Let Friends Buy Store-Bought Jam
Jam First Responder: Nancy to the rescue, jars in hand.
The Surprise Arrival of Homemade Jam
Yesterday, I pondered the absence of jam in my pantry....