Friends Don’t Let Friends Buy Store-Bought Jam

neighborly gift of canned goods

neighborly gift of canned goods

Jam First Responder: Nancy to the rescue, jars in hand.

The Surprise Arrival of Homemade Jam

Yesterday, I pondered the absence of jam in my pantry. Today, a goddess named Nancy, traveled down the Westside highway (her chariot a full-size flat bed truck) to bestow a coveted cache of delicacies on me and wrong the right of culinary deprivation.

As Boz and Gracie greeted our jar juggler on the porch, I wasted no time or decorum in asking her (the man has no shame), “Are those for me?” Nancy smiled and said, “Yes, friends don’t let friends buy store-bought jam.”

Nancy, a gifted cook, skillful canner and downright awesome friend, set a quartet of  jars down on  the counter for me to inspect. She said, “Let’s see, I brought you sour cherry preserves, some chunky caramelized apple sauce, pear chutney and cinnamon-apple pie filling.  At least I think that’s what she said, as I had difficulty hearing over the choir of angels singing in my head and the licking of my chops.

four jars of jamJarred by such generosity

I thanked Nancy with words, hugs, tea and bread, and broke out a few jars of my remaining provisions in the form of homemade salsa verde, orange marmalade, and summer fruit chutney. She was delighted, but really expected nothing in return(which of course is no surprise).

Nancy, just in case you read this…in addition to my undying devotion, should you a need a kidney transplant, a tire changed or mousetrap cleared, I’m your man.


  1. Sour cherry….I forgot about sour cherry…my absolute totally 100% favorite, you lucky guy! My mother in law used to make sour cherry, oh how I miss it. What a good friend you have indeed!

  2. Ina you are so right. Sour cherry is also my favorite. Yep, I had that jar opened a dollop on a slice a toast before Nancy left the drive.

  3. I am soo jealous! Especially the cinnamon apple pie filling which I would immedidately pour over some vanilla ice cream!!! Enjoy the taste of last summer!!

  4. Beanz, this must be a test, to see if I’ll pay such kindness forward. How about this, when I open it, you’re in line for slice of pie or a dollop on your ice cream.

  5. Love sour cherry~ I just had some in a can and wished so much I had the real thing! You are such a great friend to offer your kidneys for some homemade jams! (I used to give tons of cookies to people and just got a thank you back-no body parts,alas)

  6. ah…. such friends are precious indeed.
    Tom – I am looking at the picture of you holding the rhubarb and OMG!!! I have recently develop quite a fondness for rhubarb after staying clear over over-sweetened rhubarb strawberry pie which were my – underwhelming – introduction to rhubarb. Once I realize there are many other ways to enjoy rhubarb, a whole new world opened to me. I got myself 3 plants this spring. I know my Virginia climate will not be as propitious to rhubarb as Vachon Island’s, but still… there is hope.

  7. Joumana, I bet a few drop-offs of Kibbeh, and fatayer would secure your donor list post haste. 😉

    And Sylvie, so glad to hear from you after so long. I look forward to seeing what you’ll be dishing up in that inviting kitchen a stone’s throw from the Rappahannock!

  8. You are so hilarious, Tom, not to overlook fortunate to have such generous friends! I have a friend who sends us sour cherry jam from Door County, Wisconsin. She does not make it, but “Aunt Bea” does; and it’s awesome!

  9. Tom that’s so nice of your friend Nancy. Try some of that sour cherry jam diluted with a bit of water, warmed up in the microwave and poured over a scoop of good vanilla ice cream. Delish!


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