Who’s Been Sleeping in My Hammock?

sagging hammock

sagging hammockLast Saturday, we received our one allotted day of partly sunny weather for the week, so I feverishly begin tackling the chores reserved for outdoor duty. By mid-morning, I was ready to take a break. I thought a little respite on the hammock would work wonders in restoring my enthusiasm (and back) for more weeding, mowing, pruning and planting.

As I rounded the corner of the house, I was startled to see a sagging hammock, and by all accounts, an occupied hammock. Approaching, I wondered, who’s cheeky enough to commandeer my hammock, especially as I toil in the beds beyond. Seconds later, I had my answer.

Grasshoppers, I have taught you well.

The healing powers of the hammock should not be underestimated. (Now scoot over.)


  1. OMG!! Your bullies are the cutest! I love those pics of them snoozing in the sunshine while swinging in the hammock. Clarence, our bulldog, loves the sun, too. I come home from work in the afternoons to find him sleeping in the sun in our living room. Adorable! What’s funny is that when he was a pup he didn’t seem to care for it and wanted everything to be cool. I guess, like people, dogs change too.

  2. That’s one low hanging hammock. I suppose it’s better for the times that you fall out.
    I’m also trying to figure out how both dogs made it into the hammock– they have to have some kind of a system.

  3. Well I just witnessed something worthy of America’s funniest videos. I set the hammock lower to the ground this year and B&G took full advantage of the easier access.

    Boz goes first, he places both paws on the hammock, tilting the cloth up like a sail skyward. He then pulls himself forward, stretching along until his back paws can reach high enough to pull his back end up on the hammock.

    Once Boz is in and anchoring the hammock, Gracie springs up with a quick jump. Boz is not a jumper. Then hard as they try, squirming just slides them to the same low point, both drawn together by angle and gravity.

  4. Clever darlings! And for this reason is why I shut the door to our bedroom when we need to go out sans doggies. The dachshund has been known to jump right into bed….with his butt placed directly onto our pillows.

  5. Tom, those photos are absolutely priceless. Although, based on the last pic, I can see you might have had a little trouble persuading them to move at all…let alone move over! I think you might need a second hammock 😉


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