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foxglove in bloom

Vashon Garden Tour: Where the Grass Was Greener

I take my hat off (Elmer Fudd wants it back) to any homeowner brave and hardworking enough to participate in a garden tour. For...

The Open and Shut Case of the Stubborn Man

Boz, a proponent of the open door policy In case you are unaware, men have fragile egos. (Please keep this under wraps or else I'll...

Attack of the Mutant Deer From Outer Space

Mutant deer from outer space: Note the way they can warp time and space at will, all while devouring my lawn. I'd shoo them...

Listen Up Poppies: Time to Rise and Shine

For most of May my garden flowers languished in bed, hunkered down and hitting the snooze button thanks to an endless month of unseasonably...

For the Record: My Neighbor Dan Is the Man

Or The Day Big Red Refused to Move Happier times: A man and his new riding mower...vroom, vroom No doubt my neighbor and friend Dan has...

Heritage Recipe: Rhubarb Berry Cake Pudding

Recipe updated February 2013; a few fixes for a better cake pudding. Rhubarb rocks and rules in my garden and kitchen.  As spring's first crop,...

How I Can Tell Summer’s Almost Here

Not so fast, this was last summer. I don't need a calendar to tell me summer is fast approaching. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the...
cleaning supplies

Cleaning Up: A Gift Bag of Good Intentions

Clearly, there's a message in these bottles. Last week I received a less than subtle rebuke regarding my slovenly ways, make that alleged slovenly ways....

Does a Bird Poop in the Kitchen?

Direct hit: a disapproving dive bomb, a bird's rebuke on my blog? When a Critic Came to Roost or... Yesterday the mercury neared 70 degrees, a...

Lawn Mowing Hypothesis Tested and Confirmed

After weeks of extensive testing and observation, I can unequivocally and confidently say my hypothesis holds true; the lawn is not going to mow...