Home Blog Page 52

Easter Wears a Slicker…and a Smile

The face of Easter may be wet, but she's undettered (psst, look to the left). When the Easter bunny comes to the Pacific Northwest, he...

Baked Beans, Bamboo & Bees: Recipe for a Mason Orchard Bee Home

One can, a bunch of bamboo and one home for your mason orchard bees How to Build a Mason Orchard Bee Nest, House I discovered the...

Violets: Sweet Scent of Spring’s Arrival

Early spring has few players in the garden that awaken the spirit and the landscape like violets. I especially like how they seem to...
candied orange peels

Orange Peels: Too Good to Toss, Candy Them

Candied Orange Peels - Sweet treats rich in flavor! Candied orange peels left hanging to dry It’s no secret I hate to throw things out. A spot...
washington state ferry car deck

Commute With a View, When Daylight and Clouds Allow

It's a dark and lonely commute by ferry in the winter (as seen on the covered bow deck) Light at last! April 15, 2009 at 0623...

Boz and Gracie Are Real Cards, Alright

Bullish on Biscuits: Boz and Gracie grace a card from Great Dog Greetings What's not to love about a Bulldog mug? It's hard to believe...

Raising Canes: Tulameen Raspberry a Juicy Choice!

Clockwise, starting bottom left: Tulameen raspberries 1) in my garden mid-July, 2) swimming in homemade ice cream, 3) sharing counter space with a pint of golden raspberries...

Debonair in Duct Tape at Any Age

Are you ever too old for duct-taped glasses? Nah... Recently my eyeglasses had an unfortunate encounter with a well-placed foot. The good news is that...

Boz Likes to Help With the Dishes

Boz: focused and dutiful in his quest to leave no crumb unaccounted for What's my formula for sparkling dishes? One vintage Whirlpool dishwasher One determined, tidbit-obsessed pooch An opened dishwasher...

Sweet New Job for an Old Sugar Bowl

One morning when coffee had no effect on coaxing my eyes open and the kitchen counter engaged in its normal trickery by retreating two...