Violets: Sweet Scent of Spring’s Arrival

fragrant violets

Early spring has few players in the garden that awaken the spirit and the landscape like violets. I especially like how they seem to appear overnight through a rush of brittle leaves like petaled placards declaring winter is behind us. Botanically speaking, they’re viola odorata. Don’t let their meek presence fool you; they pack a heady, lasting punch of sweet perfume.

  Boz the bulldog tiptoes through violets 

When not being watered by wayward bulldogs, violets enjoy growing and spreading in dappled sunlight or light shade. In my garden they need little care and all but disappear in the summer resting up for their winter sleep and spring review.

sweet violets in a cordial glass

A cordial glass of violets within arm’s reach and a well-placed nose can make a quiet moment magical; one more sniff and you’re guaranteed a self-induced daydream.

viola odorata sweet violet in bloom


  1. How beautiful & such gorgeous photography, as always. Violets really are nature’s jewels..would rather have just one of these than dozens of hothouse roses. Best of all, site of them really does mean it is spring! Thanks for sharing.

  2. The violets make me so happy every year. Your photograph is wonderful – poetic.

    Ours change color – purple, white, lavender – from place to place in our yard. The honey bees are all over them and I’m waiting for the butterflies to notice them.

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