Pacific Coast Iris Steal the Show
If my garden was a theater, Pacific Coast Iris (Iris douglasiana) would be the overlooked understudy or supporting actor that unexpectedly steals the show. It's...
Today’s Proverb: He Who Hogs a Sofa…
Proverb for May 23, 2009:
He who hogs a sofa, will make no qualms about doing the same on a hammock.
Then again, he who can adjust the...
I Built a Fence That Fell From the Sky
Sometimes beauty reveals itself in unexpected ways, other times it’s a familiar friend on my daily path. For the madrona trees that have stood witness...
Quince It Came: Delicious, Beautiful Fruit
Quince: Welcome this uncommon and fruitful tree into your garden.
I first encountered the edible quince Cydonia oblonga at a friend's farm, where the tree...
Sprouting Broccoli: It’s a Keeper
There's broccoli and there's sprouting broccoli, a cousin to the bulked-out broc we tend to knock. After some British friends of mine sang its praises,...
Mom, These Are for You
Here’s to the fine woman who brightens our lives with love every day. To my Mom who always made me Chicken Kiev* and German...
Tulips: A Worthy Form of Currency
Tulips at the market: my favorite harbinger of spring
I think the Dutch had it right in the seventeeth century; why not base your economy on...
If These Walls Could Talk…
They'd likely say "What took you so long?"
My five-year anniversary of living in this fine old farmhouse is fast-approaching, a mere blink in its...
Tyson Pear: Portrait of an Heirloom Fruit
The Tyson pear is summer's answer to winter's Comice.
I spent the first twenty-some years of my life eating but one pear: the Bartlett, first found...
The Fountain Gurgles Again!
My garden fountain gurgling away as it should.
The sun is out (May I hear an Amen!). My coffepot is yielding no more of its pricey brew. Boz...