Each year I wonder if, when, or where I’ll cross paths with the spirit of Christmas.
Perhaps in a person, sometimes in a moment, always when I least expect it, the spirit of the season will reveal itself. Usually as an observer, a bystander to generosity, whimsy or a simple act of kindness, I tuck the memory away like a fondly held Christmas card. But this year the spirit had a more direct approach, arriving early and in a pickup truck.
Last Sunday, as Boz & Gracie lured me downstairs with their ramped up barks, I could see a tall constitution of a man peering through my front door window. A friendly smile told me it was my neighbor, Dan.
You see, I’m chainsaw-challenged and most of my firewood is green and not split. Dan, a keen observer and a man of few words, pointed to the dry, split firewood in his pickup and said, “Merry Christmas, Tom.”
The spirit of Christmas overwhelms quickly and tends to leave its beneficiary tongue-tied. Add a bundle of pencil-thick kindling to the mix, and I am without words.
Yes, the spirit of Christmas knocked on my door that day, and in the process reminded me that it’s a regular visitor.
Toasty toes and pampered paws enjoy a fireside warm-up.
Surrounded by beauty my friend, and most deserving. Merry Christmas…much love to you!
Miffy told me that I “must” read your blog this morning and, as usual, my girlfriend was right-on. Thanks for sharing the spirit, Tom. Happy winter solstice from across the water in West Seattle.
On the ferry home tonight I contemplated the similarity of coal in the stocking and the giving of warmth in these goofy assed days. I cut that wood in the sweat of a fine summer day knowing the best neighbor in the world next door would appreciate that labor in the chill of Dec. thanks Tom
peace on earth -dan
[…] What I was blogging about a year ago: The Spirit of Christmas Drives a Pickup […]
Lovely, lovely, lovely! Tom I love the way your write!
[…] What I was blogging about a year ago: The Spirit of Christmas Drives a Pickup […]
I can smell the fresh wood…. and the smoke.