I thought the last line in Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind, a fitting title and tribute to the contrast in seasons as viewed from my back porch; in essence, what we have to enjoy, and what we have to look forward to in the coming months.

I thought the last line in Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind, a fitting title and tribute to the contrast in seasons as viewed from my back porch; in essence, what we have to enjoy, and what we have to look forward to in the coming months.
Very nice. Where are the dogs? How can we tell how deep the snow is without them trudging through it?!?
Happy holidays to you! Thank you for introducing me to heirloom seeds and maroon peaches, and apple jelly, and and and. All of it!
What loveliness! Thank you. 🙂
So beautiful! Stay warm my dear friend…there’s an extra bed in Naples if you venture southeast. Much love to you! Peaceful loving wishes for you in 2009!
::::sigh:::::: I am so ready to visit that Big Leaf Maple and sit among the bluebells. The holidays are over and Spring can’t get here fast enough. Thanks for confirmation that greener days really are on the way … however slow.
Tell Boz and Gracie the Apsos have extra coats if they’d like to borrow them!
there is a season for everything, Without winter, no bluebells… or cherries
What a beautifully peaceful view.
>>> there is a season for everything, Without winter, no bluebells… or cherries
I know, I know. I just wish our “season” was a bit … shorter lol
Wow! What a contrast! !After living in Miami for such along time, I have forgotten the dramatic change each season can bring. Each picture is equally beautiful, but I still prefer to visit the Pacific Northwest in the summer. Stay warm and safe in both the rain and snow.
[…] If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind? […]