How I Can Tell Summer’s Almost Here


Not so fast, this was last summer.

I don’t need a calendar to tell me summer is fast approaching. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the signs are everywhere: the mercury is tipping 60 degrees Fahrenheit; I’m donning cotton sweaters instead of wool; and my tomato plants are beginning to bend their stems toward the sky. Yes siree, as a keen observer and gifted guru of reasoning, I know the harbingers of summers when I see them. Here are a few more from my corner of the world.

growing asparagus1. After applying a truckload of manure, mulching with a bale or two of straw and weeding regularly, I have one spear of asparagus ready to harvest and cook. (Chew slowly, Tom, chew very slowly.) frozen food in ziploc bags2. Opening the freezer door, last summer’s bounty has one serving to go: halibut, squash and blackberries (one bag each)

3. Canning jars outnumber canned goods.

sleeping bulldogs on the sofa4. Couch Chameleons (subspecies: Sofafuss Camouflageous Vashonia) awaken from their uninterrupted and lengthy winter hibernation to migrate to warmer environs, namely porches, decks, driveways and lawns.

5. The inside temperature begins to match the outside temperature. (Please note, this can also be true during power outages.)

6. The promise of warmer days brings out the barber in me. Thankfully, this year I sought help from trained professionals.

I’m ready summer; bring it on!


  1. “Spring has sprung, the grass has ris I wonder where the love birds is?”. I’m with ya bud-“bring on the summer”!

  2. How come you’re getting glimpses of Summer and you’re further North?! Hmmm…. Still chilly and raining here and I had to drag a few sweaters back out. I had such fun wearing capris and short sleeves when I was down South. Wheee….

    Like your haircut! 😉

  3. Isn’t it funny how we get a few days of sun (read that as no rain) and suddenly everyone is wearing shorts, tank tops, and flip flops! I am so determined that summer is around the corner I have been wearing sandals for weeks even if my feet do get wet. Liz from Portland

  4. I’m seriously envious Tom, I know its the way of the world, but Australia is meant to be about sun,surf & clear blues sky’s right!!! Nuh…., its cold & windy & very, very grey….., but the up side is I get to drool over your northern summers, its a crazy sort of torture I agree, but I can practically taste that asparagus & think your Sofafuss Camouflageous Vashonia’s are the best.
    Happy summer Tom 🙂

  5. Cute, cute post! I loved all of it! But especially the subspecies of the couch chameleons, the pool photo, and your new summer look. 😉

    The promise of summer is a wonderful thing!

  6. Haha…I know what you mean…I’m on the last jar of Chokecherry Jelly right now…I’m seriously afraid of the interim between it’s end and the new batch…eek!

  7. Great new look! (I mean the asparagus :-))
    I am glad you are enjoying your new warm days while I am sitting here at my computer with frozen toes. Time to go get my slippers.

  8. Tom, it hit 96 in Birmingham today. A record for this time of year. I have taken to a rocker on the screened porch. The box fan on high, a wet wash rag on my neck and a popsicle in my face, summers a comin…..

  9. Oh how I love finding a blog with a great sense of humor. I laughed so hard with you at the gift of cleaning supplies from your friend! And I love blogs with lots of pretty pictures – I’ll be back often 😉

  10. Your babies look like they’re having so much fun! Funny to think that 57.9 is the temperature for summer but it’s the same here in San Francisco. The West is the Cool-Summer Coast.


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