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Remembering Dad: It Was a Wonderful Life

Sadly, I must share that my father recently passed away. A broken heart tends to lose its voice, but I know my father would...
Greg Filson supermodel

Rocking the Filson, Vashon Style

My friend Greg returns to the Pacific Northwest (via stints in New York and LA) to embrace his sartorial roots and love of Filson....

How to Find Your Slice of Farm Fresh & Local

Better than a bowl of  broccoli, I had no illusions that any bit of this farm-fresh pizza would see daylight. Farm fresh and local can...
pineapple lemon jam marmalade

Lemon-Pineapple Marmalade: Recipe for a Rainy Day

Lemon-Pineapple Marmalade  I'm not sure what the impetus is, perhaps a Northwest sky determined to drop a snow-rain mix, or one too many Facebook friends sharing...

Kitchen Tip: Don’t Get Burned by the Phone

I'm pretty handy in the kitchen, but grand failures do occur, especially when I add a heaping spoonful of distraction to the recipe. So...

Pruning Fuzzy Kiwi: Taming a Wild Beast

Little does Boz realize that as he stands (make that sits) watch... ...a fuzzy kiwi vine kidnaps the napper.  (Later, Boz drags me out in...

And This Is Why It’s Called a Captain’s Chair

  Boz prefers a perch, even if it takes several minutes to reach the summit. Once there, comfort is a work in progress.This is his Whistler's...

Please Don’t Take My Free Sign

Fashioned from a paint sample drywall scrap, one of my best free signs was also one of my most quickly pinched. Vashon Islanders have...

Winter Left the Door Ajar

Mount Rainier as a sundial (from Maury Island) Winter Left the Door Ajar Winter left the door ajar, enough to steal a peek, Perhaps to silence...

Spreading the Chestnut Love

Autumn's bounty: a bowlful of chestnuts, a tabletop of squash I have a thing for chestnut trees; let me count the ways. I love the tasty...