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interior look at high tunnel hoophouse

When a Greenhorn Builds a Greenhouse

Hooping It Up With a Greenhouse Down on the Farm Sun Island Farm's hoophouse: similar to what mine will look like. About a year ago, I...
crocus blooms in spring

Video Tour: Doting Over the Daffodils

Daffodils: Spring's Brightest Garden Performers  [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsVaCKcxa-A] Click on the image above to start the tour. Spring Stroll Through the Daffodils I wanted to mark the first day...

Tom’s Glasses: The Never-Ending Story

Fresh tape applied, counting to ten... My Kingdom for a Pair of Glasses! In our last episode of Tom's Broken Glasses (yes, they are taking on...

Favorite Pie Recipes: The Life of Pie

Favorite pie recipes near and dear to my heart ...and tastebuds I know, I know; it's national Pi day, not Pie day.  And while I...

Eyewear for Tommy: Survey Says…

Survey Says...They all look alike. In the last installment of Five Frames, One Face, One Vote , the people spoke. And while the favored frame was...

Fruit Tree Nurseries

My growing list of Fruit Tree Nurseries I get a lot of questions from readers about where to buy fruit trees and berries, so I'll...

Warby Parker: Five Frames, One Face, One Vote

Just last year, the plastic frames of my relatively new glasses cracked, sending the lens along with my spirits to the sidewalk below. Both fractured...

Sticks and Stones Have Found a Home

Sticks and stones never looked so good. Sticks and Stones may break my bones, and render my lawnmower useless. Not quite the child's rhyme, but...

Giving Winter the Cold Shoulder

The first sign of spring has emboldened me to tell winter not to get too cozy; your days are numbered. For weeks, she's plopped...

Jeanette’s Best Easy Apple Pie Recipe

Truly, the best easy apple pie recipe in my dessert dossier. Jeanette's Apple Pie: I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and have). As...