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warbler in the room

Bird in the House, Beauty in Hand

A feathered friend finds an elegant perch.  Bird on a Wire... Yesterday, I came in to feed the dogs and ferret through the fridge for the...
big leaf maple in a sea of bluebells

Bonkers for Bluebells in Bloom

Bluebells steal the spring scene Every late April and early May my garden is flooded by a sea of bluebells. Strolling through the garden seems...
blue tarp roof barn

Tarps Be Gone: New Roof for an Old Barn

2004: Of the eight structures original to the property, the machine shop is  the only out building remaining. The original farm, established in 1888, grew...

Farm Photos: The Week in Review

Outside my window, bluebells lap at the trunk of a bigleaf maple. A few warms days on the island, and Mother Nature takes notice. The...
English bulldog staredown

Boz the Bulldog: Master and Commander

If I ignore Boz, he makes his case up close and personal.  Make no mistake, in this household I serve at the pleasure of my...
interior hoophouse

Hooping It Up: The Greenhouse Is Covered!

The hoophouse crowned: Clouds parted, the angels sang. A Greenhouse Grows! Building a hoophouse--make that a large hoophouse--has been a life lesson in humility. I believe...

How to Prune Raspberries: Instructions, Photos, and a Video

Fallgold raspberry: a sachet of sweet and delectable perfume. Behold, the raspberry, the gold standard by which I judge other berries whether planted in my...
Bob's Big Boy doll

Tom’s Tooth and Trying to Be a Big Boy

A perky plastic role model for me. (Photo, Iris Taboh) I'm a man who tries to err on the side of optimism, but last week's...
happy apple eggs vashon

Ava’s Happily Au Naturel Easter Eggs

Nature has no rival when it comes to color and freshness. This week I discovered a little thank you gift on my back stoop rail:...
tomatillo husks dried flowers

Garden Photos: Remains of the Day

Garden Photos of a Seasons Past I thought a break in the drizzle and my labor camp duties would be a fine time to revisit...