Video Tour: Doting Over the Daffodils

crocus blooms in spring

Daffodils: Spring’s Brightest Garden Performers


Click on the image above to start the tour.

Spring Stroll Through the Daffodils

I wanted to mark the first day of spring by sharing a brief turn through a bit of the garden, and perusing some of the first bloomers of the season:  daffodils. And besides, gramps here needed a break from his hoop house construction project. These little floral bright spots put a smile on my face, and bring out the optimistic in me even on dour days.  The hoop house update will follow shortly with photos and my full editorial, that is once my muscles and joints return to being fully functional and pain free.

crocus blooms in spring, daffodils nextCrocus looking up and spreading the joy.

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  1. Love your videos Tom. How is it that you are so far north and I in central Missouri and I have no flowers yet. One tiny lonesome Crocus this year, lol Thanks for the breath of Spring to come.

    • Chanda, we have the Pacific ocean to thank for our moderate winter temperatures. This time of year we run about 40 for the low and 52 for the high. Trouble is the Pacific also keeps our summers cool too.

    • Bonnie, I figuring out how to do the end walls of the hoop house and those are usually custom built. About three of us plan on having the plastic raising party so we can all cover the structures in one day.

  2. There’s a phrase in your video that ‘does not compute’ with me and that’s ‘in your garden in March’…..hahahahaha……I’m looking out into my garden now and it’s covered with about a metre of snow! Luckily, I know how to dream……

    • My apologies Izzy, I wasn’t gloating. 😉 Oddly it snowed last night here, very lightly near the Sound but the deep stuff in the Cascades. Love the poem.

  3. Tom, loved your tour and seeing the daffodils. I hope to see more videos with a little more action from Boz and Gracie. I am pleased that spring is arriving in your part of the world.

    • Joumana, that’s what I was thinking about yours, what a life! Safe travels and thanks for bringing the Taste of Beirut and the Middle East to my kitchen and my heart (my grandfather thanks you, too, I know).

  4. Great daffys, Tom. Ours are gone except for a few late bloomers. Do you dig them immediately after blooming or wait until the foliage dies back? Also, what kind of fertilizer? I really enjoy your videos. Carol

  5. On the subject of daffodils, which I adore, here is a little poem I wrote in protest to Wordsworth’s annoying poem:

    What on earth was he thinking?

    ( a parody on William Wordsworth’s “I wandered lonely as a cloud”)

    I wandered lonely as a cloud,
    Though slightly less intangible,
    And pondered what would be a crowd
    If “crowds” of flowers were possible.
    Four iambs to a line, and rhyme,
    Oft lack significance sublime!

    A daffodil then fluttered by,
    Intent on proving Wordsworth right.
    It danced, it tossed its head on high
    Then slowly faded out of sight,
    No doubt to join its fellow flowers
    And while away the happy hours.

    The lake appeared of which Bill spoke;
    The waves are dancers too, it seems –
    And laughed at some mysterious joke;
    P’rhaps mocking Wordsworth’s pensive dreams?
    Such jocund company! So gay!
    They brightened up my dreary day!

    And oft, when on my couch I lie,
    I think of Bill’s bucolic verse
    And marvel that he should apply
    Such hosts of similes diverse….
    Now gone, I guess he gets his thrills
    By dancing with his daffodils!

    Sandra Frisby


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