Anna & Ryan’s Wedding: Love Set Sail for Vashon Island


Ryan and Anna getting married on Vashon Island outdoor weeding

Anna & Ryan: The smiles say it all

Yesterday, love came to rest on Vashon Island. That’s not to say it’s not hanging around our island on a daily basis, but this was a different kind of love: the sneaking-up kind of love that gets you teary-eyed before you know it, the tonic kind of love that cures what ails you, the knock-on-the-door kind of love that doesn’t wait for an invitation or key turn before busting the door off its hinges to proclaim,  “I’m here. Join me now or get out of the way!” And I’m here to tell you, none of us stepped aside.

Yes, yesterday love set sail for Vashon Island, and I was fortunate enough to be caught in the wake of its charge, to be witness to a day where wishes came true and words melted our hearts. We all saw a different kind of love that day, not one that  wanes or withdraws but one that lives out loud and defines a lifetime. Congratulations, Anna & Ryan!

Anna, Tom and Kitty parents of the bride Vashon Wedding

Beautiful Anna, as held by the two who hold her so dearly.

Wedding location: AYH Ranch Hostel, Vashon Island


  1. Tom, why didn’t I hire you as my speech writer? I still lay awake at night squirming as a remember how I botched my speech bec/ I’d left my notes in my backpack and excuses, excuses, excuses. I repeat: why didn’t I hire you?

  2. Tom, this is beautifully put! What a special event! These are two brilliant and wonderful people! Kitty: you did fine on your speech! I loved the shout out to Oklahoma!


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