Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries
Stella Cherries: the before picture; the after, no so pretty.
Metaphors come in all shapes and sizes (as do cliches), and this morning one of my favorites...
The Best Way to Ripen Peaches
A Ripe Peach Is Worth the Wait
I love peaches too much to eat them as the rock hard flavorless orbs we've come to expect from...
Too Much Rhubarb = Too Much Good Jam
Our unseasonably cool summer (okay, late spring) has left my tomato starts and basil shivering in their beds, drooping from a low-temperature hangover. This,...
Summertime, and the Hammock Is Ready
"Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes,
and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit.
Souvenir de Madame Leonie Viennot: A Rose by Any Other Name Wouldn’t Smell as...
Souvenir de Madame Leonie Viennot, Tea Rose
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;"
Renae, I Have Your Rhubarb
Garden prize: first-of-the-season rhubarb
There I was minding my own business waxing on about my exceptional rhubarb crop, when one of my favorite bon vivants,...
Ringing in the Return of the Bluebells
Bluebells in my backyard dreamscape
Outside my backdoor in the shade of a gnarled friend, the bigleaf maple
The first time I recall seeing a forest floor carpeted...
Wheelbarrow Assembly or What 2.5 Hours Looks Like?
Beware of the unassembled wheelbarrow.
In Cold War movies, countless spies and diabolical governments worked tirelessly toward the downfall of the good ole U.S. of A. ...
A Bird in the Hand
A little feather friend, catching his breath and soon to fly off
Sometimes the universe speaks to you in subtle almost inconceivable ways and other times it has...
Moments for Pause
There are certain times in each year when a moment is marked, when a welcomed reminder of another time or season revisits you with an embrace of rediscovery, and you eagerly...