Cuke Rebuke: Lessons of a Reluctant Pickle Puss
Taking one for the team: a real-life reenactment of what happens when a happy man consumes a bitter pickle.
Bitter Cucumbers: What Gives?
I may be...
Green Bean Ninjas: Attack of the Famished Bulldogs
My English bulldogs, Boz and Gracie play leading roles in my daily life. Whether begging, farting, drooling, eating, pining, playing or napping, their...
Video: Early September Garden Tour
Garden Tour, Front Field
It's been about a month (a very dry month) since my last garden tour video. Here's the latest look at my...
Peaches and Cream Pie: Happiness by the Slice
Peaches and Cream Pie I have stars in my eye for peach pie.
Let me be forthright; I have very broad standards when it comes to peach...
A Banner Day for Phoebe
At my dear neighbor-turned-friend Phoebe's birthday party, I toasted her citing my good fortune to select a home within walking distance of hers. Had...
Figs in a Jam… Fig and Ginger Jam
Happy Couple: Fig and Ginger JamFig and ginger jam: too delicious and simple not to make
I've had a life of traveling. Some voluntary (Buon...
The Best Way to Cut Corn Off the Cob
The best way to cut corn off the cob begins with a cake pan.
Fresh corn kernels, good as gold in my book.
Even as I...
Peach Cake Recipe: A Peachy Version of Apple Cake
Peach Cake Recipe: moist, flavorful slices of summerMost cooks have a go-to recipe, one that never fails, one that they can make in their...
Recipe: My Favorite Garden Fresh Summer Gratin
Too much zucchini...crookneck squash?
Do I have a recipe for you!
One of my favorite summer dishes, a garden-fresh gratin, is an adaptable recipe based on...
Homemade Pickles: A Cucumber of Worthy Intent
Homemade Pickles cucumbers
A good pickle is worth its weight in apricot jam (another favorite of mine), but it takes a great cucumber to make...