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Cuke Rebuke: Lessons of a Reluctant Pickle Puss

Taking one for the team: a real-life reenactment of what happens when a happy man consumes a bitter pickle. Bitter Cucumbers: What Gives? I may be...
Boz the bulldog loves his green beans

Green Bean Ninjas: Attack of the Famished Bulldogs

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZdl5BLHJjA] My English bulldogs, Boz and Gracie play leading roles in my daily life. Whether begging, farting, drooling, eating, pining, playing or napping, their...
garden tour front field

Video: Early September Garden Tour

Garden Tour, Front Field It's been about a month (a very dry month) since my last garden tour video. Here's the latest look at my...
peaches and cream pie

Peaches and Cream Pie: Happiness by the Slice

Peaches and Cream Pie I have stars in my eye for peach pie. Let me be forthright; I have very broad standards when it comes to peach...

A Banner Day for Phoebe

At my dear neighbor-turned-friend Phoebe's birthday party, I toasted her citing my good fortune to select a home within walking distance of hers. Had...
fig and ginger jam

Figs in a Jam… Fig and Ginger Jam

Happy Couple: Fig and Ginger JamFig and ginger jam: too delicious and simple not to make I've had a life of traveling. Some voluntary (Buon...
best way to cut fresh corn off the cob

The Best Way to Cut Corn Off the Cob

The best way to cut corn off the cob begins with a cake pan. Fresh corn kernels, good as gold in my book. Even as I...
fresh peach cake sliced on a plate

Peach Cake Recipe: A Peachy Version of Apple Cake

Peach Cake Recipe: moist, flavorful slices of summerMost cooks have a go-to recipe, one that never fails, one that they can make in their...
best summer vegetable recipe

Recipe: My Favorite Garden Fresh Summer Gratin

Too much zucchini...crookneck squash? Do I have a recipe for you! One of my favorite summer dishes, a garden-fresh gratin, is an adaptable recipe based on...

Homemade Pickles: A Cucumber of Worthy Intent

Homemade Pickles cucumbers A good pickle is worth its weight in apricot jam (another favorite of mine), but it takes a great cucumber to make...