Bonkers for Bluebells in Bloom

big leaf maple in a sea of bluebells

Bluebells steal the spring scene

Spanish Hyacinths bluebells out my window

Every late April and early May my garden is flooded by a sea of bluebells. Strolling through the garden seems more like wading through a shallow blue pool. I typically go a bit bonkers over these blooms as they transform the landscape into a storybook setting of vivid color and wonder. The magic lasts about two to three weeks before warmer weather sends the bulbs’ activity back underground, and into forced dormancy and nutrient storage mode.

Video: A Stroll Through the Bluebells

I never tire of the view from back porch. A little wild, a wee bit weedy, but always interesting, the garden here provides a changing canvas with each season.

big leaf maple in a sea of bluebellsHope you enjoy the view and the video garden walk. 

More photos and information about the Spanish Bluebell, and a growing guide.


  1. Beautiful Sunday stroll! I love the bluebells, I enjoy them in my small garden too. I don’t think they were planted, Bluebells just seem to crop up where they are loved! Love it when you include the bullies (well, the one who is awake already!)

    • Thanks Charlotte, I like your theory, yep these spread like magic. One spring they pop up on the south side of the house, the next year, a new patch can be found on the west side of the house. B&G send their best.

  2. Oh, sigh! So green and lush. Our summer/autumn has been so dry. My maple has seen off the drought in such style. After watching your video I am so buying another two to plant.
    If Boz’s top lip/flap wasn’t so large I am certain he would have shown us a Billy Idol-esque sneer. That slight twitch…. ooh Boz, whatcha got to rebel against??

    • Jacqui, I keep telling Boz if he would just move that upper muzzle up and down a bit, a la Elvis, we’d be millionaires. I think he prefers the quiet country life.

    • Jason, I agree, Virginia bluebells are equally beautiful, though I’ve never had luck with them here. Not sure why, we may be too wet in the winter and/or too dry in the summer.

  3. Hey Tom,
    I came across your wonderful site while searching for information on blackberries.
    I have some Spanish hyacinths and always look forward to seeing them in the spring. Yours are awesome!! I also like Virginia bluebells as well.
    I enjoyed reading your respective on blackberries. I absolutely love anything made with blackberries and thought about transplanting some wild ones. I know wild blackberries have “issues” but then who doesn’t?
    Also,I thought the whole manure article was funny. I happen to have lot of crap around ( 4 horses, goats & chickens) so I have slung allot of it. I use composted manure in my garden but I mulch over it to reduce the weeds. I think nature intended for seeds to survive the digestive tract of animals so plants would spread to other areas. That’s my theory…its easy to think up hair brained stuff or cure problems while weeding!!
    I am trying orangeglo watermelon and 3 melons ,( Ananas D’amerique a chair vert, Boule d’or and Noir des carmes) this year just for kicks. It must have been the french wine I was drinking while ordering the seeds.
    You have a great site…thanks so much for sharing!! Love your dogs!!

    • Hi Janet, Welcome, and thank you so very much for the kind comment. Um, um, um makes this man smile…. As for the black berries, wild are great just invasive and painfully prickly if left to their own devices. Two thornless varieties I’ve tried, Chester Thornless and Triple Crown have done amazingly well, and taste great like their wild counterparts. As for melons, I’ve tried all of those except orangeglo, and only had success with Black Tail Mountain watermelon. This year I hope to try some varieties in the hoophouse, where the temp will be warm enough to help them produce ripe fruit. Here’s to French wine and English bulldogs! Take care, Tom

      • Thanks Tom for the blackberry recommendations. I hope to get a couple plants in the ground this fall. I am considering a raspberry variety..Bababerry. I heard it will do well down here in my hot, humid southern summers in Zone 7. …glad something likes the summers here. Thank goodness for air conditioning!! The thoughts of jam, sauces, tarts, and cobblers etc over ruled the concerns of brambles gone wild so I am going to try a few blackberries and raspberries this fall. If they get out of bounds, I’ll turn my crack team of four legged pruners on them (my goats).

    • Thanks Renae, so glad you’re back, I’ve missed you. Hope all is well in your world and the kids and hubby are happy and healthy.

  4. How beautiful! Do you sit by those lovely leaded glass windows every morning with your cup of coffee? What a view! And the fence gate at the end of the path is pretty wonderful, too. (I hope Boz appreciates it all.)

    • Eileen, that is indeed my morning routine. My nook has quickly become my writing desk/office. Boz and Gracie, snooze at my feet, and all is well with the world. When the sun hits the south-side window, it’s time to hit put the coffee down and hit the outdoors.

  5. Tom, I am so envious of your bluebells. I have some in my garden, but they do not multiply or bloom. Maybe it is too hot here. Thanks for the early morning stroll.

  6. I wonder if you’d do my windows-yours are so clean. I might have Bluebells in my yard, but I can’t tell-windows need to be washed. Love your spring bulbs.


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