Summertime, and the Hammock Is Ready

feet up relaxing in the hammock

feet up relaxing in the hammock

“Summer is the time when one sheds one’s tensions with one’s clothes,

and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit.

 A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all’s right with the world.”

–Ada Louise Huxtable

Summer is an elusive season for the Pacific Northwest. There are certainly harbingers suggesting that we’re heading in the right direction, but it’s the pace of things that leaves me anxious and wondering, “Will summer ever arrive?”  I’m encouraged by the  dinnertime din that someone somewhere is mowing something, or the welcomed return of darting swallows overheard, or the lush, rapid and rampant growth of weeds in every corner of friable space.

Purists (and the science-minded) chide me that my laments are unfounded and that summer is still a month away, but I know better. When the hammock goes up the calendar is marked. (As the photo implies, Boz and Gracie tend to agree.)

bulldogs in the hammockSorry B&G, hope the click of the camera didn’t disturb you.


  1. And yet again, Gracie shows me another reason why I would love to be your neighbor! Summer has been here since January. Could one really want for a rainstorm or even still, the view of the colors of fall, or the silence of the snow covered Budd? Seems I want it all…

  2. IT WAS YOU!!! YOU JINXED IT! Tom, I’m holding your post personally responsible for the abscence of summer. Apparently you applied too much pressure and scared it off.

  3. Just love your blog and sense of humor. I’m planning my first veggie garden (a little late due to weather and raised bed-building-back-ups. Got to you through Willi’s “digginfood” blog. Will totally be using your tomato trellis idea, but now, what do I do with the totally cute RED tomato cages that I bought at last years’ flower and garden show? Any cagey ideas for them? Again, so great to laugh at what you write. Thanks!

  4. Thanks Karen, and I’ll tell you what tomato cages are good for…snap pea trellises. They’re the right height and stay put for your peas to cling onto and climb up. And you’re not too late if in the Northwest, heck most veggies would rather remain seed than be planted in 50 degree soil.


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