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fresh raspberry sherbet sorbet

Recipe: Homemade Raspberry Sherbet Is a Sure Bet

  Creamy, Dreamy Raspberry Sherbet In my world of skills you need to know, making homemade ice cream is right up there with CPR, changing a flat...
foxglove garden

Foxgloves: Towers of Flowers and Then Some

Foxglove (digitalis purpurea) is the flower of the hour in my Pacific Northwest garden, towering three feet above my close-to six-foot frame. (That's height not...
closeup of pole bean trellis

What’s at Stake: Pole Beans Need Your Support

Boz is a big fan of green beans and the pole bean trellis (but for different reasons). Lucky for me, the green beans form  two...
pink roses in the rain

How the Grinch Stole Solstice, Almost

Boz is quick to point out that chest-high grass is no dog's friend. Rain or no rain, it's time to mow. If weather was a game...
snap pea vine and blossom

Sugar Snap Peas: More Peas for Your Pod

The snap pea is an exceptional, easy-to-grow legume. The day I discovered sugar snap peas was the day I broke up with snow and shelling peas. We...
bag of ice cube freshly picked

Just Harvested My Last Crop of June Ice Cubes

Freshly-picked ice cubes: There's nothing like the taste of homegrown. The topic of weather is rarely tabled here on the island. In fact, it's...
fresh strawberries in a clamshell

Tasty Odd Couple: Strawberries & Balsamic Vinegar

There are two types of strawberries: those grown locally and those at home in a plastic clamshell. Local berries: soft, juicy and bruised by a simple indiscretion. Store-bought...

How to Make a Tomato Trellis: A Cagey Alternative

Tomatoes need our support.  (You trying maintaining vertical with 10 pounds of green, red orbs hanging off your branches. ) Some people cage them...

From One Slug to Another, Nice Artwork

Slugs get a bad rap (justifiably so) around here.  How can a slow-moving creature with the viscosity of a gumdrop manage to clear cut...
trellis for tomatoes in a row

Growing Tomatoes: When Plants Are All Legs

Uh oh Boz, I know that look, the scowl of an unhappy bulldog, judging me for taking too long to plant all of my tomato starts. (Gracie...