Knitting Up an Awesome Bulldog
I like surprises, not the kind that make you pee in your pants, and seek therapy and tubs of Haagen Dazs, but the sort that delight...
The Twelve Days of Christmas Vashon Island Style
While The Twelve Days of Christmas is not my favorite Christmas carol, I think I could embrace it more wholeheartedly if the song was less...
Christmas Lights, Madrona Trees, and a Cordless Phone
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is to install flood lights at the base of my century-old madrona trees. The underlit behemoths put on...
Goldilocks and the One Bearish Bulldog
Someone's Sitting in My Chair...
Boz and Gracie, my beloved bullies, are never short of entertaining antics. So when my friend Nancy stopped by for...
Little Truck, Big Life
In 1998, I bought my little gray Mazda truck with a 150,000 miles on it for $1500. The gentleman I bought it from was a...
How to Cook Fresh Pumpkin for Pie or Soup
With my front porch buckling under the weight of pumpkins, and winter bringing up the rear, I'm eager to do something with the bounty before me....
Quince Marmalade Is a Gem of a Jam
Quince (Cydonia oblonga) are the unsung stars of my autumn larder, each resting like an artful still life awaiting a transformative trip to the kitchen. The beefy little orbs...
Vashon Halloween: Ghouls, Goblins and Cutiepies
Vashon Islanders take their celebrations seriously, in a non-serious sort of way. Halloween is no exception. On Friday, town was closed to cars, and...
Perfect Pears for the Home Orchard
As plots of ground and garden go, orchards hold a special place in my heart. For the gifts of promise, patience and firmly-established roots...
Great Apples for the Home Orchard
I've been tending to my young orchard for about 8 years now, and I'm eager to share with you some of my favorite apple...