Galeux d’Eysines Pumpkin: You Had Me at Hello

warty pumpkin galeux d'eysines
galeux d'eysines winter squash
Galeux d’Eysines pumpkin: uniquely warty, wonderfully tasty

I’m not sure when I first fell in love with growing things. It’s a fascination I can’t recall not having. Of all the things I’ve grown or now grow, pumpkins seem the most magical to me. A teardrop-shaped seed the size of a thumbnail erupts from the earth with a forthright posture that says this sprout has a lot of ground to cover in the 90 days. Make way!

I suspect if I secured a lawn chair, tumbler of ice tea and enough patience to sit a while, I could witness the vine  emerge and wend from compost mound to neighboring furrow like a tendrilled snake. It surely seems that pumpkins grow before your eyes.

warty pumpkin galeux d'eysines

The pumpkin pictured above is a Galeux d’Eysines ( Cucurbita maxima ). Some call it a wart pumpkin or ‘bumpkin’ because its beautiful buckskin-colored skin is covered with bumpy warts or calluses. The quirkiness of what’s on the outside belies the beauty of what you find on the inside (just like people): firm, flavorful, non-stringy pumpkiny goodness. I’ve chosen this pumpkin for my pie entry in the local farmers market pie baking contest (Vashon Island Growers Association Any way you slice it, this pumpkin is a winner in or out of a pie. Stay tuned, I’ll let you know how I fared.

Seed source: Baker CreekHeirloom Seeds

Roasted Galeux d'Eysines pumpkin
Galeux d’Eysines pumpkin (aka winter squash) roasted and ready for pie, soup or a side dish.

I love this pumpkin, warts and all!

pumpkin pie pumpkin tart
Sometimes you feel like pumpkin pie, and other times like pumpkin tart.


  1. Found your site when researching this pumpkin. I am planning to grow it this year and was looking for a bit of info. However, I am in South Australia and a long way away. Nice write up anyway and good growing.

    • Hi Adrian, I enjoyed a wonderful holiday in Adelaide and the Barossa Valley many years ago. Your country is a stunner. Australia needs to be its own continent merely to hold all that beauty in place. As for the Galeux d’Eysines pumpkin, I bet it will grow like gangbusters for you. How would I know? It’s a guess, but I base it on my success in growing Australian varieties here, like Australian Butter squash, or Queensland Blue. Good luck in you upcoming growing season.


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