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A Ghostly Morning Concert

As summer says sayonara to the Pacific Northwest, the sun begins to limit its appearance daily by minutes. In June, when I bound out of bed...

Heartened by the Kindness of Strangers

Each day we all face challenges, quietly carrying the burdens of worry, sadness, loss or letdown with us like spare change in our pockets. While...
Boz the bulldog

Little Buddy, Big Heart: Remembering Boz

I first met Boz when he was age two and living in a south Seattle neighborhood. I immediately ascertained no cul de sac or chain-link...

Rainier Cherries Crown This Cake

In far-off Minnesota, my favorite blogging baker and bon vivant, Eileen of Passions to Pastry, posted a recipe that called to me: rustic rhubarb - almond cake....

White Flowers: Dressing-Up the Garden

Like the song says, "June is busting out all over!" But before it concedes to July and the bold colors of summer, June is holding...

Rug Wash in the Great Outdoors

I have a penchant for area rugs — small to large, bold to muted, plain to intricate. While I grew up with the wall-to-wall sculptured berber and the...

Foxglove in the Locust Tree

Foxglove growing in an unlikely place. Each season brings new surprises, a changing of the guard so to speak, when petals fall, snowflakes melt or swallows...

In My Book, V Is for Vashon

I've written my first book. (Tom Robbins and Sherman Alexie have nothing to worry about.) V Is for Vashon is a sweeping tale, covering everything from...

I Fought the Lawn, and the Lawn Won

At first it was difficult to wrap my suburban-lawn-care brain around the fact that I no longer lived in Seattle on a postage-stamp-sized lot. When...

How to Make an Orchard Mason Bee House

While I adore my honeybees, I also revere the amazing and often-times overlooked native pollinator, the Mason Orchard Bee (Osmia lignaria). Where the honeybee is...