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The Beauty of Gratitude: Thank You

My year has been marked by the loss of my two favorite furballs: Boz and Gracie. But my year has also been marked by...

Saying Goodnight, and Goodbye to My Gracie

Each night, when I call it a night, I canvass the main floor for any lights left on or doors unlocked. I check the...

Very Fancy Lions and Tigers and Bears

Dressed poorly for the inclement weather (as is the norm), I dropped into Snapdragon Bakery to buck the chill with hot coffee, fresh pastry, and a...

Vashon Island Art Studio Tour: Seattle’s Best-Kept Holiday Secret

Bruised by the inescapable 24-hour news cycle of Black Friday, and images of folks fighting over vegetable steamers and life-size teddy bears, I feel it my...

Favorite Dahlias: Bold, Brassy Garden Performers

Dahlias are born performers, no shrinking violets they. If Ethel Merman was a flower, she'd have been a dahlia, belting, upstaging, and headlining in every corner...

A Great Way to Water Your Garden

My friend Crystal once dubbed me the "Dahlia Whisperer" after spotting me in my front flower field. And while I basked in the glory of her...

Keeping Up With Nina

There are milestones and then, there are MILESTONES, and this week my friend Nina celebrated the latter—her 100th birthday! Yes, a century of awesomeness...

10 Best Apples in My Orchard

While my orchard harvests are not ready for prime time availability and farmstand sales, I do like to share my findings in what I...

Special Delivery…

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for the kind notes, cards, comments, well wishes and condolences regarding the loss of my four-legged friend,...

Phoebe and Tillie’s Not-So-Excellent Adventure

In terms of landmass, Vashon Island (37 sq. mi.) is about the size of Manhattan (34 sq. mi.). The north-end ferry connects Seattle, while the south-end...