Little Buddy, Big Heart: Remembering Boz

Boz the bulldog

Remembering Boz the bulldogI first met Boz when he was age two and living in a south Seattle neighborhood. I immediately ascertained no cul de sac or chain-link fence could contain a personality and presence that big. Love at first site may be an overused expression, but I fear there is no other way to describe our first encounter. With a newborn in the house, and little time to attend to Mr. Boz, the family thought it best to find him a home better suited to his needs, which at the time included non-stop petting and intermittent butt and belly rubs.  And so I adopted Boz, and never looked back. At the time, Gracie, my other dear bulldog and also adopted, had been with me for about six months. The two hit it off swimmingly in a Ralph-and-Alice-Kramden sort of way. They loved each other, but were not letting on.

Boz and Tom

Anyone who follows my blog, knows just how much I love Boz and Gracie, and how integral a part they play in my life. So it is with deep sadness that I share Boz passed away this week. He was nearing twelve years old. It’s been a long, hot summer around the farm as both Boz and Gracie endured record-breaking temperatures and various health issues. And while Boz gladly took to the wading pool, Gracie perceived little difference between a kiddie pool, and a bubbling pit of tar. Keeping her cool was a challenge.

Boz on the table

I’m at a bit of a loss with what to say; it’s still tough to talk about him being gone, so I’ll leave you with my favorite posts about Boz, my handsome little buddy with the big heart. He was the Cary Grant of Bulldogs.

pickup truck bulldog on a load of lumber
Bulldog Boz also seems to have all the answers; and so I feel it is my duty as his wingman to retrieve and share some of his bulldog wisdom.
My Bulldogs Boz and Gracie are always a source of entertainment. Here’s a little story about the day I came home to a surprise from Boz.
My buddy Boz was feeling puny last week, so much in fact that I was a bit of a mess worrying about his sudden withdrawal and lethargy. He began to yelp, the …
Bullish on art, Boz strikes a pose for Rondi: pensive, yet playful. Vashon has a host of galleries and fine spaces to show art, and each first Friday of the month …
By Tom Category: Boz & Gracie, Tomagrams Tags: Boz in the dishwasher, Boz the bulldog, dish washing dog, dog dishwasher, dog in the dishwasher.
My buddy Boz was feeling puny last week, so much in fact that I was a bit of a mess worrying about his sudden withdrawal and lethargy. He began to yelp, the …
I must have been drugged or under the control of space aliens to have allowed one particular oversized sofa a resting place in my home. Secured at our island …
He who hogs a sofa, will make no qualms about doing the same on a hammock. boz and gracie take over the hammock. Then again, he who can adjust the …
Apr 19, 2013 Once Boz devours his crunchy kibble, he heads back to the table’s edge and resumes the paw-Tom-until-he-responds move. I stop what I’m …
bulldogs in bed
Gracie is hanging in there, though not sure where to look to find her beau.

Boz Meets the Abominably Built Snowman


  1. Oh dear–I’m so sorry about Boz. We’ve all grown to know and love him.
    That is going to leave a whole in all our hearts.
    Big hugs to you. It hurts, I know.

  2. So much sympathy coming to you from our little NY enclave. This is one of the hardest things there is. What we really need are dogs that live fifty years or more; lacking that, we can take some small comfort in the idea that we gave them good lives while they were here with us.

  3. So saddened to hear of Boz’s passing. Thank you for sharing him with us. I will dearly miss seeing his adorable furry face.

  4. I am choked up with tears. I am so sorry for you and Gracie to experience this loss. You will never get over it and she will always be your best friend. I hurt for you.

  5. Oh, Tom!
    The loss of a faithful, loving and beloved companion of the fur type is, too me, a heartbreak of great magnitude. It seems a cruel twist that these faithful friends live relatively short (but big) lives and leave us to remember them forever with smiles and tears. Thinking of you…..

  6. So sorry for your loss. Boz was indeed special to many and will be missed. He will greet you at the Rainbow Bridge one day.

  7. Tom – I’ve never personally met you or Boz – but have enjoyed knowing you through your blog. It is so hard to lose our four-legged family members and I’m so happy that you have so many photos and memories of Boz to make this time just a bit easier. My heart aches for you.

  8. Tom – Although I’ve never personally met you – or Boz and Gracie, I’m always delighted to see your blog posts in my mailbox. Boz was a big personality and will be missed. My heart aches for you and for Gracie. Losing our four-legged family members is never easy, it’s heart-breaking. So glad you have so many photos and memories of Boz. Hugs to you and Gracie.

  9. So sorry for your loss. I started following your blog because of Boz and Gracie. I’ve loved the stories and pictures of them throughout the years.

    Rest in Peace dear Boz.

  10. Tom, we are so sorry about Boz passing. We love them so much and only have them for a short time but that time is so special. Sending you hugs

    Chuck, Jennifer, and Willow

  11. oh i am so so sorry to hear this. it know how tough it is. teddy has been sick for a week and i am beside myself. heal soon and big hugs!

  12. I am saddened by your loss and can hardly breathe knowing he was only 12! Too soon! May his memory provide the love and laughter to sustain you through your tears. Hugs to Gracie.

  13. Tom, I am so very sorry for your loss. Tears are running down my face. So love your blog with stories about Boz and Gracie. Hugs to you and Gracie.

  14. Boz is laying next to my Spencer where the weather is always perfect, there’s room for everyone, and treats come freely. When you are ready, look to the sky and watch them running through the clouds~

  15. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Boz was surely special. I hope that Gracie’s health problems get better. Take care.

  16. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve never commented on one of your posts before but I’ve often shared them with my mom, who grew up with her own much-loved bulldog named Beulah. Sending best wishes to you and to Gracie.

  17. Hi Tom- We’re so heartbroken and sad to read this . I LOVED reading about your adventures with Boz and Gracie and he will be missed. He was a rockstar . xxxooo

  18. I am so sorry to hear of Boz’s passing. I am so very glad that I got to meet you, Boz and Gracie in person. I’m sure that Boz has found that great hammock in the sky. Hugs!

  19. Oh Tom. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear, dear Boz. I had to say goodbye to my little Ivy yesterday and my heart is aching not only for her, but for you. It is the worst day ever when you lose a much loved pet. Worst day ever.

  20. Tom…so sorry to hear about your dear Boz. We went through it 2 years ago…and still we miss our girl. What a blessing it was for you, Boz, and Gracie to have come together!

  21. I can’t tell you how much joy your blogs about your 2 wonderful dogs gave me. Boz cracked me up.
    I am so sorry for your loss.

  22. We all wish we had words to say to take the pain of losing Boz. I’ll leave you with these words from a poster that hangs in my vets office. It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are. – Anonymous

  23. I’m so sorry for your loss of Boz. My 14 1/2 year old Pug, Emily, is still with me. I kiss her every day grateful that I have one more day with her. These furry children just love us unconditionally.

  24. Many condolences, Tom. What’s that old saying about dogs? “We give them food and care and a certain amount of affection in the time we have available for them in our busy lives. In return, they give us one-hundred per cent of their love and devotion. It’s the best deal on the planet.” Something like that.

    Boz delivered on that score. In addition, through your marvelous blog, Boz gave us all a picture of a great dog, living well, contributing to a family in the way dogs do.

    Rest in peace, Boz. You did good.

  25. Oh No! Boz was personality plus in a little body and will be sorely missed by his legion of fans. My favorites were the dump truck backing up and the video of eating green beans. I’m glad for the time you had together.

  26. Thank you so much everyone for your kind and thoughtful comments. I feel the love tenfold, and knowing how much you all loved Boz makes his loss a little easier. The world is full of good people, and how blessed am to meet their likes on the pages of this blog. Boz would have loved meeting you all, and I am grateful that we have, here. Again, thank you.

    • Tom, we are so very sorry for the loss of your special friend and companion. I found your website about a week ago and started reading your recipes, then noticed and began to read the wonderful stories about your two precious babies. Your love and appreciation of them is very moving.

      Have you ever heard of the Rainbow Bridge? Its a heartfelt and comforting poem/brief story about our beloved pets and us after passing. Here is the link if you’d like to read it, it has provided me and many others reassurance over the years:

      The site also provides grief forums regarding pet loss. And this is a very moving and beautiful video I found in one of the forums offering the point of view of our departed unconditionally loving animal friends:

  27. Like Lynne Manning said, you and Boz will be together at the Rainbow Bridge some day. I’m so sorry. I know how much this hurts.

  28. My condolences on the loss of that great little character. Once the heartache eases…in time, knowing how well you two loved each other , will inform all your memories with happiness.

  29. Dear Tom,

    This is such sad news. My heart goes out to you and Gracie. Thank you for sharing Boz with us. He has brought so many smiles to my day and lifted my heart. I am so sad. Bless you and Gracie.


  30. Oh Tom, I saw your post and immediately the tears started. Like most people here I look at you and the pups as extended family. Losing a family member is never easy and Boz was bigger than life. I can only think that he’s up there playing with my Mugzy Malone! Extra hugs to Gracie.

  31. Hi Tom,
    I’ve followed your blog for years now and have always enjoyed your observations on your bulldogs and your farm. I’m so sorry for your loss – Boz was a member of your family. Sending my sympathies.

  32. Tom. So, so saddened to hear of your loss. Boz was such an endearing little chap. Thank you for sharing his escapades with us, he will be mourned in our household. From our family to yours, Jacq, Iain, Max, Abby and Oliver.

  33. I am so sad to hear about Boz. From the wonderful way you weave him and Gracie into your blogs, writing with such warmth and love, it’s apparent to us all that he was a very lucky member of the family to have such a beautiful home and loving papa! Thinking of you and Gracie.

  34. I am so sorry to hear of Boz’s passing. You were blessed to have him around as much as he was blessed with your adoption of him. You and Gracie have my prayers as you greive the loss of your family member.

  35. Oh…Tom. I’m honestly, incredibly crushed :'( I don’t know what to say, except that Boz had the perfect life with you. If I were the Cary Grant of Bulldogs, I would absolutely have chosen his life. Tall Clover Farm without him is going to be a big adjustment…for all of us. I am so SO so very sorry, and heartbroken. Sending virtual hugs, to you, and to Gracie.

  36. I am so very sorry for your loss of such a magnificent companion. I lost my best buddy three years ago and have not blogged since. Hugs to you and Gracie.

  37. So sad to hear about Boz’s passing. He had such a personality! I’ve lost two dogs the past two summers, still miss them daily. But it comforts me to know that they are in Dog Heaven, with all their dog friends that have also gone there. Perhaps Boz will get to meet Crick and Holly soon. All good dogs go to heaven, and all dogs are good.

  38. My heart sank when I saw the title of this blog post. How strange that these little beings who have no concept of what a world is can end up such a huge part of ours. Thanks for sharing your buddy Boz with us all.

  39. Tom, The leading photo of Boz says volumes about his character. Thank you for sharing. “An animals eyes have the power to speak a great language. M.Buber

  40. Tom, we haven’t met but I feel as though you, Boz and Gracie are part of my family. Dogs! What makes us love them? I believe that is their gift–they teach us how to love, to forgive, to be humane, and to feed them. I am so sorry for your loss and thank you for letting me share a little of Boz’s days via your posts. Give Gracie an extra hug from me.

  41. Tom – Boz will be sorely missed by all! So hard to lose your Best Friend Ever. We just lost Echo, our 11-1/2 year old Norwich terrier unexpectedly to liver cancer. Poor little Bear, our 13 year old male Norwich is not quite sure what to do without her as she was the ringleader for all of the trouble they got into together. Boz & Gracie were such a “loving” couple – so much like our two “kids”. Two infamous dynamic duos from Vashon. Thinking of you and Gracie! – xoxo Ken & Morgan …. & Mr. Bear

  42. Such a sad time. Have loved your posts about your dogs! I’m just a ways from you but haven’t seen Boz. Losing a wonderful furry friend is the hardest thing. Been there, and so sorry. I still hear the paws padding over the floor, as you must as well. Tearful for you.

  43. I have been following along on your adventures with Boz and Gracie for years now and am so incredibly sad to hear that he has passed. He was lucky to have you — the love you showered on him, a wonderful life in a beautiful setting, his friend Gracie. And, of course, you were lucky to have him. Thinking of all three of you and sending all of my best wishes your way. xoxo from Los Angeles, CA.

  44. Oh Tom, I’m so very sorry. It’s so very hard to say goodbye to our furry friends. They give so much love and leave such a big hole when they go. Hugs to you.

  45. […] Each day we all face challenges, quietly carrying the burdens of worry, sadness, loss or letdown with us like spare change in our pockets. While some pockets are more laden than others,  rattling and jingling with each step, I venture to say we all share empathy and kinship in wanting to make things better, not only for ourselves, but for others. At least that is what I experienced this last week when I lost my sidekick, compadre and wingman Boz, bulldog extraordinaire. […]

  46. Oh no, Tom, I am just all teary about your loss. I am infinitely a cat person! but your photos and tales of the lovably raffish bulldog race have won my heart. How you must be missing Boz, and Gracie too. Hugs all around from out here in the interweb/ethers. There is just no way to fill that gaping hole in the hallways and garden of your home. Take comfort in each other and in the glorious summer days. So many memories of snuffles and snuggles. Are you going to plant something special in Boz’ honor?


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