Tag: jam
Nectarine Apricot Ginger Jam: Spicing Things Up!
Tommy's jam kitchen is a jammin' this summer, and with a fresh box of Washington State stone fruit beaming before me (courtesy of my...
Boxing Day and Leftover Love
My friend Amy wrote, "Ah, December 26, my favorite holiday of the year." It made me chuckle, but also confirmed a truth about what...
Farm to Photo: My First Photography Show
On the first Friday of each month, Vashon folk and a carload or two of intrepid off-islanders descend upon our small town to take in the latest...
Jam Recipes: Five of My Favorites
Jam recipes near and dear to my spoon...
This time of year my pantry shelves buckle under the weight of stacked empty jam jars. They...
Figs in a Jam… Fig and Ginger Jam
Happy Couple: Fig and Ginger JamFig and ginger jam: too delicious and simple not to make
I've had a life of traveling. Some voluntary (Buon...
Preserving Tips: How to Thicken Jam
Countdown to ecstasy...
The goal: Jam that drops from a spoon but stays on a biscuit (at least until I eat it, which is usually...
Friends Don’t Let Friends Buy Store-Bought Jam
Jam First Responder: Nancy to the rescue, jars in hand.
The Surprise Arrival of Homemade Jam
Yesterday, I pondered the absence of jam in my pantry....
Strawberry Rhubarb: The Fred and Ginger of Jam
Strawberry Rhubarb Romance in a Jam
In the world of preserves (and pie), spring's star couple is strawberry rhubarb. One's sweet, one's sour, both show...
Too Much Rhubarb = Too Much Good Jam
Our unseasonably cool summer (okay, late spring) has left my tomato starts and basil shivering in their beds, drooping from a low-temperature hangover. This,...