Sorry Ma’am, I’m Out of Jam (for Now)

empty jelly jars in the pantry

With my last jar of jam (apricot) spoken for, I am officially out of preserves.empty jelly jars in the pantry

Seasonal changes surround me, bare branches have a costume change, bluebells break through beds of dried leaves, and winged choruses serenade me early and often. The signs of spring are not only witnessed from a hammock view or back porch perch, but from the shelves of the kitchen pantry.

pantry needs restocking, only canning jarsI wonder if  corn relish will work on a PB-and-No-J sandwich.

Like hourglasses,  canning jars tell time, once brimming with summer’s bounty, their new-found emptiness awaits another harvest and more tall tales of what tastes best. Winter may hang on a little longer, but the shine of glass jars before me suggests its reign is nearing an end and I will once again have the opportunity to capture another season’s goodness one harvest  and spoonful at a time.


  1. Tom – even the pecans are out here. They are usually the last to leaf out. I obtained a chunk of magnolia from the friendly city tree removal guys and it was soaking wet from the sap running. I was able to peel the bark off by hand.

  2. Brion, I believe I have a chunk of beautiful Northwest madrona with your name on it. Well actually it’s a two-ton fallen log that mocks me each time I walk by. Now where’s my chainsaw?

  3. Tom isn’t it great? Now you have all those pretty jars free and pretty soon will be able to filled up again with nourishment that will last you for another season.

  4. I saw a sign on a church poster board that read “forbidden fruits will get you into a jam.” It made me really hungry. I can’t wait to see what you cook up.

  5. “yum”. I just canned for the first time last year, tomatoes. It was fun, but u are obviously seasoned! You also must be able to grow some amazing things. Down here in FL it is tough! Lots of citrus though.

  6. Tom,
    Haven’t forgotten about your request for me to hunt down the fabled “Salt Spring Apricot”. Unfortunately, it is a fable not many know. I’ve had no luck so far. Are you sure it was an apricot and not the bodacious wild Salt Spring Plum. The large ones can be the size of a small apricot, yellow with a reddish blush, large stone, slightly tart skin but sweet flesh and they make amazing jam. They ripen in June which would be early for an apricot. Anyway, I’ll keep searching.(We transplanted 4 of the wild plums to our place and are hoping for the first harvest this year.)

    • Sandra, you have solved the mystery and shed light on a two things:

      1. Your description describes the fruit I encountered to a ‘t.’
      2. Tom apparently can’t tell a plum from an apricot.

      You are a regular Sherlock Holmes, or better yet, make that, Salt Spring’s own Emma Peel — great detective work!
      Thank you very much.

      Now if you see an American sporting a black turtle with shovel and burlap bag in hand on a BC ferry, mum’s the word.

  7. Yum, apricot jam is my absolute favorite! Can’t wait for summer. Had a startling moment this morning looking out the window….2 inches of snow! Have never seen snow on the ground in April…old man winter is still hanging on!

  8. Tom: I’m so glad I finally subscribed to your blog via email, so I won’t miss beautiful posts like this one. Look at all those gleaming, waiting jars. It may seem funny, but yours is a perspective I’ve never considered. Being from California, my preserving life is defined by winter citrus — Meyer lemons, pink grapefruit, Rangpur limes, clementines. And the occasional orange. I am looking at my 100 jars full of bright winter and laughing. (Not at you! Just because the idea of running out of fruit in jars never occurred to me.) Want some marmalade to get you through til rhubarb and strawberries? 🙂

  9. My, but what clean jars you have!
    We should have a JAM SLAM-bring as many jams as you want to exchange! I might be onto something here! Held in October every year.

  10. Reading Sandra’s comment above–you’ve found the elusive fruit from our Salt Spring adventure??? That’s a search that started many years ago. Fond memories.


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