Day One of the New Year: So Far, So Good

Madrona sunrise, snowy morning on Vashon Island

morning_snow_IIThe new year has arrived and my slate is clean. I’m good as gold. After being up for an hour or two with some strong brew under my belt, hope still abounds, promise peeks through the window, and discovery is available on demand. I must confess some friends don’t share my sentiment, seeing the date as just that and eschewing the holiday as merely an excuse to plant sloppy kisses on attractive strangers (I have no idea what they’re talking about.) while testing the boundaries of decorum. (Again, I have no idea of what they speak.)

For me, New Year’s Day is one big, wonderful metaphor

  • It’s new-fallen snow, unmarred by footprint, twig or ash.
  • It’s clean sheets, and sun-dried laundry.
  • It’s a countertop full of homegrown goodness ready to be baked into a pie.
  • It’s a lily bulb that in hand is dry and seemingly dead, but once planted erupts in petals and perfume.
  • It’s walk down a path that unveils little secrets along the way, should you have the eyes or desire to see them.

I could go on, but I fear my list is turning into a Rodgers and Hammerstein score (i.e., raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens). Perhaps my point is the new year is less about the date and more about the person. The hope, promise and discovery I see today will always be there. It is my role to embrace them and make them a part of my day everyday.

Now if you’re suffering from renal failure due to the saccharin sweetness of the my Pollyanna post, I get it. Two days from now I will resume my one-and-half-hour round-trip commute in the dark, and become a prisoner to tasks and takers, but for now, two bulldogs snore by me on the sofa, the coffee is strong, a fire crackles and a blackberry pie browns and bubbles nicely in the oven. So for today, I wish you all Happy New Year. May we keep its magic alive as long as we can.


  1. Tom, what a wonderful ode to the new year! Magic is everywhere – you just have to remember to look for it.
    Wishing you a new year full of wonder and happiness. Thank you for your beautiful blog!

  2. thank you for a more eloquent way of saying “hope springs eternal” which is my standard favorite at the beginning of the new year!! I am right with you on the sentiments….and thank you as well for your blog, I so enjoy your photos, the story-telling, your bull dogs, and your enthusiasm in general…clink clink, here’s to a great new year!!

  3. Hi Tom, Happy New Year. Love your web page. This was my first time to sit down and have some time to enjoy it. Your Shaker Lemon pie ceipe wonderful. You will inspire me to go make it. Thanks for sharing. Take care.

  4. Your photo made me audibly gasp. Wish I’d been there to see it.
    There’s nothing like a strong cup of coffee and and a pie in the oven to bring out the optimism. Can you bring the pie to work?

  5. Tom! What a lovely surprise to find this blog! I live nearby, and see you often on Saturdays with the dogs at a favorite bakery..I’ve often marvelled at your garden driving by, thinking it was pretty unusual I know why! I’m looking forward to learning more about it here. happy New Year!

  6. Tom,
    Happy New Year, I love to read your blog while working. It’s my own sweet break time and maybe I can write one of your recipes down too! Hope your days are filled with good food and lots of love.

  7. Hi Tom, One of my best friends has become an acquaintance of yours on the bus. She turned me on to your blog and I am very impressed! My friend lives on Maury and we often gather on her beach for barbecues. We’d love it if you attended the next one! Any ideas for our next “go” at barbecued salmon? Looking forward to meeting you.


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