Christmas Time Is Here

My favorite island Christmas chorus.

Merry Christmas Friends and Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Buddy and I have been plugging away here on the farm, tending to daily duties and quietly watching the seasons change through the wavy windows of our beloved farmhouse and from the soggy fields underfoot.

I’d have to say (ironically) that I haven’t had much to say as of late. I think sometimes the world funnels so much information our way, seemingly from a firehose of images, texts, tweets, articles and videos, that I find stillness and quiet a nice respite during the days of shortened light. Sometimes our lives call for reflection and listening and for me it seems that time is present. All is well, all is bright. I’m just sticking close to home in my head and heart.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year and to thank you for checking in. I feel most blessed to have people, family, and friends in my life who warm my heart and share their love with me at every turn. May I always return that gift in the minutes, hours, days and years to come.

I’d like to leave you with a little slideshow of photos from the farm. Yep Buddy and me mugging for the camera and sharing some of the fruits of our labor and smiles of our days. It was a fine year and we look forward to new discoveries, friends, and moments in 2019.

Thank you for being part of it,

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  1. Thank you, Tom, for taking time out to write this holiday blog message to all of us. And also the fine photos of your year’s highlights. You sure are a swell guy! May your New Year 2019 be healthy and prosperous and filled with new grand adventures both big & small .

  2. Thank you, Tom! (and Buddy!) I agree, this time of year is meant for slowing down, reflecting, and maybe doing a bit of planning – and just being, enjoying the being of all the marvelous world around us. Or so I think. We are indeed blessed to be alive, and to share in the abundance of life.
    The pictures are lovely. The love and joy you have for the land, your work, and (especially) your Buddy, comes through clearly. Thanks for sharing it all.
    Take care, and a Joy-Full holiday and Merry Christmas to all!

  3. A call for reflection and listening seems a perfect holiday, no, year round message to keep. Glad to hear 2018 has been good to you and although I love your witty blogs, sometimes it’s a blessing when life is uneventfully serene.
    Merry Christmas to you and Buddy!

  4. Dear Tom & Buddy….it is lightly snowing here and winter is settling in. sending you Holiday wishes from America’s hometown, Plymouth, Mass. I so loved visiting Vashon in 2017 and hope to return and explore more. Warm Wishes.. Chris

    • Thank you Joyce, Buddy is snoring at my feet while I await a cake to finish baking. I’m sure he’ll liven up when he hears the the oven door open. Merry Christmas!

  5. Merry Christmas to sweet Buddy & you! And yes, life has been quite overwhelming this past year. Silence & reflection is definitely good for the soul. May this New Year bring better days, more love…. and lots of smiles!

  6. Hello Tom and Buddy!!!! From Viv and The Furry Gang!! You have been. Missed! How fortunate you have been to be so creative and enjoying you time and life!!

    Life as been busy here also!! Our home was adopted by another spirit, Miss Georgia! A tiny, loving cat that decided that she was not going to leave our yard! She brought with her her ability to love and extra energy! My grandmother always said that no matter what there was always one more plate to welcome others wondering by!

    Give Buddy lots of bum runs from us!

    To you the joy of life!

    Viv and the expanded Furry Gang!!

    Merry Christmas and a New Year full of wonderment!!!!!!! Xoxo

    • Viv, I can just see your new housemate claiming stake to her forever home and feeling the love within its walls. And Miss Georgia is such a lovely name. Thank you for your kind words and friendship, and may 2019 keep you happy and healthy.

  7. Merry Christmas morning to you and Buddy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, it’s always good to read your message. You give us inspiration to be thankful for what we have. A cozy warm home filled with love is all we need and I certainly feel that is what you have. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas as well as your friends there on Vashon Island. You are on my bucket list and hope to make it up there soon for a visit. What is the best month for celebration?

    • Betty thank you for such generous wishes, and thoughts! Now as for the best month, hmmm, I like them all in their own way. But the landscape and farm come to life May-September, when I’m tending to the orchard, greenhouse, and grounds; and the trees and flowers are celebrating as well.

    • Thank you Carolyn, one day I may have to do a slideshow of the full reality here as perhaps a more accurate touchstone to the day. There’s the pretty stuff, and then there’s laundry, dishes, overstuffed barn and clutter in the yard, full gutters, moss on the roof and a house that needs painting. Hmmm, I may have to reconsider this… 😉 Happy New Year!

    • We’ll take those smooches anytime. Thank you Dawn, and I too feel so lucky that we met that day at Snapdragon Cafe, and that I get to continue to witness the magic of your family, the beauty of your talent and the generosity of your spirit and friendship. Happy New Year!

    • Hi Judy, Thank you for the kind comments. I hope Port Townsend is treating you well. Such a beautiful spot. I visit PT a couple time this last summer on visits to Far Reaches Nursery, which always includes a stop and Chimacum Farm Stand. Take Care! Tom

  8. Wise words, Tom. We don’t spend nearly enough time looking inwards, reflecting, celebrating the silence and finding peace and joy in the simple things of life – like the wavy windows. I think you have achieved a wonderful balance of celebrating your community and being part of it, and remembering your inner life and the importance of silence and reflection. Continue on the wise path you are already on throughout 2019, and you are almost guaranteed joy. Good health to you and Buddy – and many more delicious pies!

  9. Tom you write so beautifully and your sentiments echo mine. I have become quite wistful this Christmas and I am exploring those feelings. You helped me to crystallize my thoughts. Many thanks to you and your best pal and constant companion, Buddy for all your vivid images. I want to suffuse my life with more positivity in 2019. Your blogs and recipes are verbal gold. Thank you and all the best for 2019.

    • Thank you so much Elizabeth, your words remind me of why I do this. We’re all more alike than different, and may we all enjoy a new year of discovery. Thank you.

  10. Tom, thank you for the beautiful photos of the farm and of Buddy and all your adventures together. You truly are a deep and thoughtful soul full of play and joyfulness. Happy New Year to you. And yes, it is a time for quiet reflection and processing all that lies before us and all that we lived this past year. May 2019 be your best year yet. Blessings, Margaret

    • Thank you Margaret for your generous words. I look forward to sharing more farm discoveries and Buddy pics this year. For now I’ll warm my toes by the heater and check out the latest seed catalogs. Sounds like a plan on a rainy chill day. Well wishes to you Margaret.

  11. Thank you, Tom, for your lovely blog post. This time of year I also find myself pausing with more deliberation, reflecting on events past and gratitude for all. The winter quiet is a blessing.
    Happy New Year and continued blessings of joy, good people in your life and adventures for you and Buddy.


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