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Tag: Madrona

I Planted a Tree for Someone’s Tomorrow

In the summer, I begin my morning with a walk about the property, coffee cup in hand, bulldog in tow, boots adrip with dew. Daylight does...
rustic fence madrona branches

Christmas Lights, Madrona Trees, and a Cordless Phone

  One of my favorite Christmas traditions is to install flood lights at the base of my century-old madrona trees. The underlit behemoths put on...
bigleaf maple vashon island

A Foggy Day in Vashon Town

Fog has been a needy companion this week, hugging our island with a fervent embrace reminiscent of a hapless guest who doesn't understand personal...
Madrona sunrise, snowy morning on Vashon Island

Day One of the New Year: So Far, So Good

The new year has arrived and my slate is clean. I'm good as gold. After being up for an hour or two with some strong...

Madrona Tree: A Sculpture Grows

Madrona Tree: A Work of Art The Madrona tree seems more living sculpture than growing tree.  Gnarled limbs and twisted trunk frame the sky like arms in pose. ...