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Charlotte White Peach in a bowl

Peach Tree Report 2009: Update on Leaf Curl Resistant Varieties

White-flesh Charlotte peach, this year's star performer Greetings fellow peach aficionados. Unfortunately, 2009 was not a bumper year for peaches here at tall clover farm  (a pronouncement duly noted...

Words to the Wise: Chip Away, Chip Away

I recoil at the thought of considering that which I love a burden or the things that feed me being a bother. But there...

Setting the Table for Miss Olivia & Friends

 Miss Olivia does not regret she's able to lunch today, Madame. Last Sunday, Miss Olivia came to Vashon for brunch, Though our activities lead us to...

Violette du Bordeaux Fig or Negronne: Two Names, Same Great Fig

Violette du Bordeaux Fig I have not quite exhausted my fig fest of love and wish to offer up one more in the August lineup: Violette du Bordeaux...

Peter’s Honey Fig: My New Favorite

Peter's Honey Fig   Peter's Honey Fig is thin-skinned and sweet as candy Earlier in the week, I waxed on about a fig named Desert King; juicy, prolific, dependable and one...

How to Know When a Fig Is Ripe and Ready to Pick

Knowing when a fig is ripe There's nothing like a fresh ripe fig and there's nothing like a fresh unripe fig.  Ripe delivers a juicy, succulent and...
desert king figs sliced

Desert King Fig: At Home in the Pacific Northwest

Desert King Fig: It's big, green, sweet and easy to grow. There's nothing like a fresh fig, especially if  perfectly ripe and dripping with nectar (see blossom...

Boz the Bulldog: Fine Art’s New Poster Boy

Bullish on art, Boz strikes a pose for Rondi: pensive, yet playful Vashon has a host of galleries and fine spaces to show art, and...

Horse Manure: Crappy Soil Amendment for Your Garden?

UPDATE: I wrote this post after an afternoon of major weeding. I would like to correct something. Horse, Cow and Chicken manures are awesome...

Seattle: Just How Hot Was It?

Seattle Reaches Its Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded A day when candles and people shared the same posture. The leaves on  my Kiwi vines were as dry as...