An Apple Named Opal, A Dog Named Boz
As I coasted down the steep hill to the Pt. Defiance ferry dock, actively praying that I would make the boat, the security gate which separates...
Confessions of a Reluctant Beekeeper
Bees are magic made visible. From my first barefoot encounter in a clover patch, to the eye-level flybys among the ligustrum, to their temporary confines in a...
Makah Ozette Potato: Hash Browns With a History
Plants that taste good have legs (and in some cases wings). If they strike our palate's fancy, the world becomes their oyster (or serving dish...
Sweet Meat Squash: Stores Well, Tastes Great
If I only had one culinary pumpkin or winter squash to grow, Sweet Meat would be it.
For some varieties, beauty is only skin deep. Their color,...
Daffodils: D is for Deer Proof
Deer proof is a designation that I usually find laughable. I suspect that given the chance, deer would dine on blue tarps and roof shingles. If these beasts...
Houseplant Clivia: Tough as Nails, Pretty to Boot
About this time every year, I look at my sickly menagerie of houseplants and wonder why I bother. The leaves of my streptocarpus have...
Trumpet & Oriental Lilies: Perfection in Bloom
Lilies Are the Whole Flower Package: Beauty, Fragrance and Strength
The phrase to gild the lily says it all. Why would anyone attempt to improve or adorn something that...
Easy Steel Cut Oats: Winter’s Best Breakfast
A bowl of steel cut oats is a fall breakfast favorite for me. I've never been a huge fan of rolled oats, that is...
It’s a Beautiful Day, Need I Say More
Sometimes the view can speak for itself. On the M/V Issaquah, view to the Northwest; photo below, a turn to the port side and...
Growing Fuzzy Kiwi: Plant a Couple and Stand Back
Boz is befuddled; he, like so many other kiwi aficionados, had no idea that this delicious fruiting vine grows well in a temperate climate. Yep, these fuzzy...