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Favorite Fruit Trees: Apples, Pluots and Pears, Oh My!

One of my biggest joys is growing fruit trees. Their roots nurture my roots; their growth heartens my growth; and their bounty is shared...
Buddy the bulldog

Buddy and Tom: The Movie

Me and bulldogs, what can I say. I've always loved the breed, even as a toddler. My mother shares stories of me sitting for...
peach upside down cake dessert

Peach Upside-Down Cake: Potluck Perfect

If Vashon ever fancied a name-change, I would suggest Potluck Island, for we are a friendly folk who mark the march of time and...
Buddy the bulldog

NWSAM: Buddy’s Hands-on Experience

Buddy, my bulldog is a lot of things: my top dog, my moment-to-moment muse, my unwitting comic, and my cherished companion; but lately Mr....

Snapdragon Bakery: Easing Into Saturday

Buddy's knows which side his croissant is buttered...

Taylor’s Pink Perfection: Camellia or Lipstick Color?

Nature doles out some amazing colors. When my Taylor's Pink Perfection camellia began to bloom for the first time, I found its blush exuberant,...

Spring Joy in a Daffodil’s Nod

Spring seemed to takes its own sweet time this year; arriving late, leaving early, hopscotching around the Pacific Northwest in quick visits tied to...
blooming crocus

Vashon Snow: After the Storm(s)

Like much of the country this winter, the Pacific Northwest succumbed mightily to the whims of wild weather. Our February, the coldest on record,...

Vashon: At Home in a Snowglobe

Snow comes and goes in the Pacific Northwest, but it usually prevails at higher elevations, and leaves the shores of Puget Sound unfettered by...

Hand Pies: From the Bottom of My Flakey Heart

Few symbols capture my heart like the heart. There’s no gray area here, no mistaken intent. Whether rendered in a doodle, decal, cookie-cutter, pie...