Buddy and Tom: The Movie

Buddy the bulldog
Buddy has issues with sharing...

Me and bulldogs, what can I say. I’ve always loved the breed, even as a toddler. My mother shares stories of me sitting for hours with the neighbor’s bulldog Sister, playing, piling, and tugging on the copious folds and flaps of torso and mug on this very sweet and patient bully. Buddy would attest old habits die hard.

I’ve enjoyed the company of some stellar pooches–all rescues, all adorable, all loving, and always underfoot. From Maggie to Gracie to Boz and now Buddy, bulldogs have always held a place in my heart; filling it regularly with laughter, love and companionship.

My friend Julie Sotomura of Furry Friend Films creates films as loving keepsakes, memorializing people and their pets, or more like, pets and their people. Buddy and I were honored that Julie asked us to be the subjects of her latest endeavor. Buddy tells me it’s his favorite film, next Lady and the Tramp, Turner and Hooch, and Lassie Come Home.

Buddy and Tom: The Movie

click image to start video

Julie certainly has a heartfelt and powerful talent here. I want to help her get the word out by sharing some of her films, so seamlessly created to honor the four-legged gifts in our lives. Check out her website at www.FurryFriendFilms.com.

Julie also made this wonderful film about Vashon Island Pet Protectors (VIPP) for their annual fundraiser. Grab the tissues.

Click image to start video


  1. Oh my goodness, Tom! What a wonderful tribute to Buddy and the bond you two share. I must admit, bulldogs are not my breed of choice, but now I get their appeal. Now off to explore Julie’s website

  2. Tom… arrgh. I did not expect to be ambushed by bulldog love. I wept through the whole thing… what a beautiful friendship… reminded me of the amazing gift dogs have been to my life, how freely and unselfconsciously they love… never did get to the VIPP part.

  3. Ahhhj. Made me cry. Your friend caught it with you and all of us singles who have a bulldog/any four-legged companion we send almost all our time with. A pat of the head and waggle the jowls to Buddy for me:)

    The video for VIPP is most wonderful as well. They are a great (Tony the Tiger Great) organization we have here on Vashon.

  4. Tom and Buddy,

    How wonderful to see the love between you and buddy. Lessons to be learnt.

    V and the Furry Gang!!! xox PS give Buddy a few butt rubs from us.

    ( July 3rd, Ms Saige ventured on to visit with her spiritual family.)

  5. Great stories Tom – both yours and Buddy’s as well as the Vashon Island Pet Protectors. Very uplifting and heartfelt!

    I hope all is well…

    Warmest regards,


  6. Tom, It’s been awhile since I’ve read all of these tributes to your furry bulldog companions. This time, plus viewing the Buddy video, I’ve got a huge lump in my throat that won’t go away. One almost can’t explain the love we feel for our dogs. They are family and we want to keep them with us forever. Sadly, at some point we have to say goodbye. My 14 yr old Chihuahua is struggling with congestive heart failure, complicated by a heart murmur. Every day with her is a blessing from here on out. Luckily, I just retired and am able to be with her/dote on her/love her up most all day now. When that day arrives that I’m intensely dreading, I hope to embrace what you’ve written here to help me carry on. Thank you, Tom. And as always, I’m a great admirer of your writing.

    • Thank you Nancy for your kind words and understanding. I’m so sorry your sweet pup is struggling; it’s comforting to hear you get to spend more time to dote to love and celebrate his/her presence in your life. When I lost Boz, a friend sent me this song clip. It made me laugh in between the tears and sadness. Truer words have never been sung… “I Want My Dog to Live Longer.”
      Song: I want my dog to live longer
      Take care and hugs to you and your pup from Buddy and me.


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