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beveled glass window rainy day

Vashon Morning: Early Hours and Warm Regards

It's o'dark-thirty here at home, and the world around me is just beginning to wake up.  On my rural road no street lights shine,...
quince chutney on bread

Quince Chutney: Condiment with a Kick

Chutneys are one of those things I discovered late in life. A friend (with more culinary savvy than I) plunked a jar of Major...
vashon bob monster

Vashon Island Halloween Spills Into the Streets

When The Vashon Island Coffee Roasterie starts lining up pumpkins on the porch, you know Halloween can't be far behind. Because island residents are...
Iran pumpkin - tall clover farm

Iran Pumpkin: The Oldest Pumpkin on the Farm

Pumpkins are my favorite field crop to grow; the vines and tendrils twist in artistic revelry; the leaves unfurl like giant sunbrellas, the blossoms...
bigleaf maple vashon island

A Foggy Day in Vashon Town

Fog has been a needy companion this week, hugging our island with a fervent embrace reminiscent of a hapless guest who doesn't understand personal...
Boz the bulldog case of Bramleys Seedling Apples

An Apple a Day Keeps the Veterinarian Away

My Bulldogs Boz and Gracie Love Apples! Yesterday I picked from two of my favorite apple trees: Bramley's Seedling and Belle de Boskoop. Each orchard...

Behind the Tall Clover Curtain

Boz and Gracie glaring, their mugs say it all. "Dude, would it kill you to clean out the truck" And yes, those are potatoes...
Orcas Pear

Orcas Pear: My One and Only

Orcas Pear: blush in a basket I just picked my first (and only) Orcas pear from the three-year-old tree in my orchard. (Just wait until...

Bacon Bits on Demand

Bacon bits, bacon bits, right at my fingertips. Announcing she had something for me, Karen cracked open the farmhouse freezer like a back-room safe. Standing...
Quartermaster Harbor Burton Washington

Summer′s Last Swim, Perhaps

This morning the fog has crept in low and slow, and wrapped itself around my house like a big unasked-for hug. Surprisingly, the birds...