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How to Make a Better Fruit Fly Trap

 Behold, a fruit fly trap that really works and doesn't require a mechanical engineering degree. With my countertops buckling under the weight of ripe produce,...
plum buckle cake

Plum Crazy for a Cake Called Buckle

Plum buckle: a delicious marriage of cake and fruit Picking plums is its own reward. The trees are small, the fruit easily reached and sampling...

Peach Pie: How Do I Love Thee

Slice of heaven... Peach pie how do I love thee, let me count the ways (With sincere apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning) I love thee to the depth...

Summer Snapshots: On the Porch, Around the Island

Early mornings reveal a waning moon, a sleepy sunrise, and the perfect porch to start a day on. Mount Rainier sneaks a peek (and a...

Video: The Best Way to Ripen Peaches

Click on image to play video. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPeRAQqXmik] The most popular post on my blog (based on number of comments and views) is The Best Way...

Frosting a Cookie That Takes the Cake

′Macaroon...schmack-a-roon, give me a graham cracker and butter cream frosting any day. One Great Cookie: Graham Cracker and Frosting When my mother made a birthday cake,...
freshly baked homemade biscuit

Biscuits for Breakfast (Lunch and Dinner)

Blissfully Basic (and Buttery) Biscuits Biscuits, biscuits, biscuits. Frontier food, nothing fancy, nothing fussy, as American as apple pie, this quick-bread staple of chuck wagons,...
fresh sour cream raspberry tart

Sour Cream Raspberry Tart: Berry Dairy Delicious

Buttery crust, creamy filling, berry goodness. Picture Perfect Summer Dessert Some of my favorite desserts are the least fussy. Who would argue that a bowl of...
Pam Ingalls painting Phoebe

Portraits of Elders – People Who Inspire

Phoebe Last Friday, I attended an art opening  at the Blue Heron Gallery on Vashon Island: Portraits of Elders - People Who Inspire. While I'm...
making jam

Jam Recipes: Five of My Favorites

Jam recipes near and dear to my spoon... This time of year my pantry shelves buckle under the weight of stacked empty jam jars. They...