Happiness Is a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

blown glass dog ornament

Before and after Christmas TreeWatching A Charlie Brown Christmas was as much of a holiday tradition growing up as pulling taffy, baking sugar cookies and hanging stockings.  First airing in 1965, the TV special was groundbreaking; a melancholy melon-headed kid with a jazz-scored life dared to asked, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”

So as I ponder my homegrown tree’s transformation from gangly sapling to dreamy Christmas confection,  I toast the the Charlie Browns of the world–the souls who see beauty in the overlooked, to the good hearts who share a kind word and a smile when least expected, and to the  blockheads who teach us so much even when we don’t wish to listen.

Bulldog Christmas tree ornament

No tree is complete without some bulldog ornamentation.

blown glass dog ornament

Less is more has never been an aesthetic of mine.

Archangel Gabriel

I welcome back ornaments like a reunion of cherished friends and fond memories. (Gabriel is first to be placed.)

Santa and Mrs Claus as sequined ornament

These sequined treasures were rescued from a yard sale.  If they could only talk.

Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!


  1. Charlie Brown Christmas is my very favorite Christmas entertainment. I have watched it every year for as long as I can remember. I’ve watched it 7 times this year alone. And the music, Vince Guaraldi Trio. Doesn’t get a lot better than that.

    Your tree is beautiful. thank you for sharing.

  2. I love when they throw their heads back and sing “Hark the Herald” and all you see is their big black mouths. So simple. So touching.

  3. Hello Handsome,
    Nothing better during the holidays than hearing a old Charlie Brown tune being played. Brings back great memories of my childhood and always hopes of good things for now.
    Hope your Holidays are lovely and wishing you always good things. xoxo

  4. For no reason whatsoever, I have been quite blue the last few days. Yesterday I spent a large part of the day tearing up over the least little thing. Today I decided to take a few mintues to catch up on your blog and, after shedding a few more tears (touched by your beautiful tree, snow, winter storm, egg nog ice cream, and bulldog ornaments) I am feeling so much better. Your words have grounded me and reminded me to focus on the small, the simple things, the beauty that surrounds and abounds – if one is willing to take notice. I can’t thank you enough. I am mending.

  5. I’m joining you in your toast to the Charlie Browns and the good hearts, but to be honest I’m having a little trouble with the blockheads. They sure do come out of the woodwork this time of year don’t they. Cheers Tom and happy holidays!

  6. Having always been the “Charlie Brown” of the group myself, I can identify….

    Your tree is wonderful,the ornaments so pretty. I am thankful for this blog. Many of its posts have lifted my spirits and challenged me to reach for “higher ground”. Blessings……

  7. I love your Charlie Brown Christmas tree! To me, it looks much more authentic than the mass produced ones we buy each year. How long did it take the sapling to get to that size?

  8. Thomas, Douglas Firs are the kings of our forests in the Pacific NW and grow with amazing speed and vigor. This ten-foot tree is about five years old. Cheers Boston friends!

  9. Tom, I have the exact same sequined reindeer on my tree right now, along with its mate. I remember applying the sequines with my mother when I was a kid (probably in the mid to late 70s). They are one of the first ornaments that have to be hung up before anything else. It is so great to know that someone else is loving nostalgia!

  10. Tom – Obviously there are tens of thousands of blogs out there but they should create a new category for those like yours. The quality of the writing and the images is so superior to the rest, it does more than the mere transfer of information. It communicates care, kindness, love and good humor as if we were talking over the back fence. It is my daily stop in the morning when I first get to work, thank you for your gift of “Tom” over the course of the year and especially during this holiday season.
    yours, bri

  11. Merry Christmas! I love the tree and I’m particularly fond of the sequined Santa and Mrs. Clause. Have a great holiday and best wishes for your best year yet.

  12. My God In Hawaii we use to always get the Charlie Brown type trees now they don’t sell them at all, I loved the big open branches. A tree is what you make of it from with in the heart, I wish we had someone to sell the good old charlie brown christmas trees, the fragrance are stronger then the full douglas fir trees. Please someone help us.

    • Sam, we used to have a store in Seattle called Chubby’N Tubby, and they sold Charlie Brown Douglas fir for $5 a tree. Now I can get my own on the island here, but I do miss that Seattle tradition of Chubby ‘N Tubby Christmas trees.


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