Tag: fountain
A Garden Fountain That Whispers Water
As a card-carrying Aquarian (a.k.a. the water bearer), I take my garden fountain seriously, always fine-tuning and perfecting its placement and performance for both the...
Early Deep Freeze: More Photos, Fewer Words
I'm a wee bit stuck these days; distractions are aplenty, and focus is just a setting on my camera. So I will dispense with...
Farm Photos: The Week in Review
Outside my window, bluebells lap at the trunk of a bigleaf maple.
A few warms days on the island, and Mother Nature takes notice. The...
How to Make a Garden Fountain
My fountain built in 2005, algae aged and still running.
Garden Fountain: An Earthly Delight
What's my sign? (I thought you'd never ask.) As a card-carrying,...