Tag: Quince
Quince Marmalade Is a Gem of a Jam
Quince (Cydonia oblonga) are the unsung stars of my autumn larder, each resting like an artful still life awaiting a transformative trip to the kitchen. The beefy little orbs...
Quince Chutney: Condiment with a Kick
Chutneys are one of those things I discovered late in life. A friend (with more culinary savvy than I) plunked a jar of Major...
From Quince It Came, and How It Went
Quince: Autumn's Brightest (and often, most forgotten) Jewel
When we last left our spring quince tree, she was blushing with buds and fruitful possibilities. It seemed Mother...
Quince It Came: Delicious, Beautiful Fruit
Quince: Welcome this uncommon and fruitful tree into your garden.
I first encountered the edible quince Cydonia oblonga at a friend's farm, where the tree...