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shredded paper garden mulch

Gardening Tip: Shredded Paper as Garden Mulch

Junk mail and newspapers are two of my best crops, sprouting up everywhere inside the house, covering surfaces like kudzu. Solution: shredded paper as...

Cuke Rebuke: Lessons of a Reluctant Pickle Puss

Taking one for the team: a real-life reenactment of what happens when a happy man consumes a bitter pickle. Bitter Cucumbers: What Gives? I may be...
red rose in a pot

Francois Dubreuil: The Little Red Rose That Could

Francois Dubreuil and I go way back, both having been transplanted from Seattle close to a decade ago.  As a rose, he is a...

Spring Garden Tour: This Bud’s for You!

Vulcan Magnolia front and center, taking  its long-awaited bow The old place is draped in spring, and may I say it's most becoming. Thanks to...

Postcards From the Edge of Autumn

Fall colors fade fast in the Pacific Northwest, but I can always count on my Glenora grape leaves to stick around. (The grapes are...
Vashon Island summer day Tramp Harbor

Summer on Vashon Island: What I Learned, Part II

A followup to my post: 10 Things I Learned This Summer Summer is too generous a season to limit my learning curve to a wee...
sailboat at sunset near Lincoln Park, West Seattle

So Long Summer: A Photo Finish & Fine Farewell

Summer has slipped through my fingers again. Warm days have given way to morning chill, dew lingers well past first light and every branch is...