Tag: tomatoes
Homegrown Video: How Does My Garden Grow?
Homegrown Video and What's in my GardenKale starts, two months later you did me proud.
Having discovered the video setting on my point-and-shoot camera, has...
Snip It: The Best Way to Pick Cherry Tomatoes
My heart belongs to the big ol' Daddy tomatoes, the slicers, the small planets that make a BLT (and again, my heart) sing. Sure ...
How to Make Ketchup & Blue Ribbon Redemption
As good as it gets: homemade ketchup from homegrown tomatoes via some lessons learned.
My culinary redemption is complete. As some of you may recall, my last attempt to...
How to Make a Tomato Trellis: A Cagey Alternative
Tomatoes need our support. (You trying maintaining vertical with 10 pounds of green, red orbs hanging off your branches. ) Some people cage them...
Growing Tomatoes: When Plants Are All Legs
Uh oh Boz, I know that look, the scowl of an unhappy bulldog, judging me for taking too long to plant all of my tomato starts. (Gracie...
Picking Favorites: Great Tomatoes for Puget Sound
Don't let cool summers keep you from growing the season's finest garden treat. Of all the tomatoes I planted this year, here are some my...
Tomato Plants: Leave the Little Suckers Alone
Pinching tomato suckers: not on my garden to-do list
Step away from the tomato plant and no one gets hurt.
Garden myth: you should pinch tomatoes...
The BLT: Assembly (and a Little Driving) Required
While my list of favorite things about summer could stretch to Portland and back, I find the BLT (a.k.a. Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich) is...