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Tag: spring flowers

Spring Is a Generous Caller

What's grand and glorious about the Pacific Northwest could not happen without the presence of rain, lots of rain—rain that sneaks in on a...
spring peach blossoms

First Day of Spring, the Flowers All Sing

The first day of spring couldn't have come soon enough, although winter's waning days were nothing short of halcyon — those teaser days when waterlogged...
crocus blooms in spring

Video Tour: Doting Over the Daffodils

Daffodils: Spring's Brightest Garden Performers  [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsVaCKcxa-A] Click on the image above to start the tour. Spring Stroll Through the Daffodils I wanted to mark the first day...

Spring Garden Tour: This Bud’s for You!

Vulcan Magnolia front and center, taking  its long-awaited bow The old place is draped in spring, and may I say it's most becoming. Thanks to...

Listen Up Poppies: Time to Rise and Shine

For most of May my garden flowers languished in bed, hunkered down and hitting the snooze button thanks to an endless month of unseasonably...

Bart, Your Primula Is Doing Fine

In some cafe, perhaps in Amsterdam, maybe in Bruges sits a man whose interest in the works of Van Gogh and Rubens is only...

If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind?

I thought the last line in Shelley's  Ode to the West Wind, a fitting title and tribute to the contrast in seasons as viewed from my back porch;...
big leaf maple in a sea of bluebells

Ringing in the Return of the Bluebells

Bluebells in my backyard dreamscape Outside my backdoor in the shade of a gnarled friend, the bigleaf maple The first time I recall seeing a forest floor carpeted...