Fortex: Best Mess of Green Beans Growing


2008_09_01_blog_green_beansNow that I’ve got you thinking about seed catalogs let me provide you with Tom’s two cents on some of the prizes found on the pages within. Indulge me as I wax on about my favorite pole green bean, a French filet or haricot vert variety called Fortex.

Even with a name that seems better suited to the drug store aisle, Fortex outshines all other beans in my vegetable garden and on my plate. I may plant other varieties, but Fortex is the green bean I eat. Some of the reasons I grow Fortex Green Beans:

  • vigorous, productive vines
  • I prefer pole beans (trellising required)
  • exceptional green bean flavor
  • pods are exceptionally long
  • completely stringless
  • beans are delicious at any size
  • freeze well too, if you have any left after the growning season.

I forgot to mention they’re Boz’s favorite green bean as well. (Gracie prefers peas.)

Seed sources: Johnny’s Seeds, Territorial Seed Company, Burpee, Swallowtail Garden Seeds


  1. Wow Tom. Thank you for adding JBug’s Kitchen Antics to your food blog list. I’m honored to be among such elite company. Holy cow – tell me I’m not dreaming. BTW, I have a feeling I’ll be calling on your expertise re gardening when we’re back in the land of the living in the Pacific Northwest. Can’t wait!

  2. Thanks June, and why wouldn’t I add it; I could dine on your blog every night. Good thing we’re not neighbors, I’d be borrowing a cup of sugar at dinner time more times than not. And as for NW gardening questions, I’m happy to help. ;-)”

  3. Tom … given B & G’s taste for veggies, do they “help” with the gardening? We ended up fencing off our small garden area … after we kept finding two little Tibetan “goats” standing smack dab in the middle, grazing on the lettuce and cilantro!

  4. Brion…Good idea…12 months of the best-looking beasts around!
    Apso pals, yes B&G are a little too teeth on in the garden, carting off melons, jumping for ears of corn and bulldog-dozing for potatoes. For dogs without snozes, they have a keen sense of smell for the ripe.

  5. Hi Sophie, yes, this green bean has a rich tasting green bean flavor. One seed catalog describes it as, “A gourmet’s delight, this stringless French variety is everything you wish for in a bean: tender, green, mildly sweet, nutty, meaty, savory. ” I hope I’m not overselling it, but it’s my favorite green bean.


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