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Tag: peaches

Peach Melba Pie Takes Center Stage

French chef and restaurateur Auguste Escoffier created the original Peach Melba dessert in honor of 1890s songbird Nellie Melba. (Melba toast is another story.) The simple,...

Farm to Photo: My First Photography Show

On the first Friday of each month, Vashon folk and a carload or two of intrepid off-islanders descend upon our small town to take in the latest...

Peach Macaroon Crisp: Man Does Not Live by Pie Alone

Peach Macaroon Crisp begins with great peaches As a man who is partial to pie, I must admit my eyes have been wandering lately, gazing at the crisps,...
peach sauce dessert

Peach Sauce Sublime: Peaches Simmered in Wine

There's no denying I'm a man who likes to can, fruit especially. This time of year I'm directing a parade of pots and pans on...

Peach Pie: How Do I Love Thee

Slice of heaven... Peach pie how do I love thee, let me count the ways (With sincere apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning) I love thee to the depth...

Video: The Best Way to Ripen Peaches

Click on image to play video. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPeRAQqXmik] The most popular post on my blog (based on number of comments and views) is The Best Way...
making jam

Jam Recipes: Five of My Favorites

Jam recipes near and dear to my spoon... This time of year my pantry shelves buckle under the weight of stacked empty jam jars. They...
fresh peach cake sliced on a plate

Peach Cake Recipe: A Peachy Version of Apple Cake

Peach Cake Recipe: moist, flavorful slices of summerMost cooks have a go-to recipe, one that never fails, one that they can make in their...
peach with a nose

Avalon Pride: Sweet Peach With a Nice Nose

Peach fuzz and big noses: comparative profile analysis. Peach harvest was a bust this year; of seven varieties of leaf curl resistant peach trees only...
bruised peach

Every Time a Peach Is Bruised a Farmer Cries

A quick press can leave a lasting and unpalatable impression Peach Perfect It's no secret I love peaches--their rich flavor, succulent juice and heady perfume. I'm...