The Day Boz Re-Purposed the Stoop


bulldog boz on the stoop

Boz and the stoop in drier times

Bulldogs Will Be Bulldogs…

There is a fine line between lazy and smart; doing less to get more is called efficiency is it not? So I like to think of my compadres Boz and Gracie as masterful behavioral psychologists, furry little savants always finding ways to have me do more for them on a daily basis. Lazy or Smart, you decide. As an example, you may recall the story of their morning routine. Now I’d like to share the new rainy day routine, that is new as of yesterday and hopefully short-lived.

I took the 5:45 a.m. ferry into Seattle to make sure I would have enough time to make a 7:30 a.m. dentist appointment. The crossing is the easy part, Seattle traffic is the challenge. Commuters were braving a real gully-washer that morning, not the gentle daylong moisturizing mist we usually enjoy.  One thing was for sure, as a man without a raincoat or umbrella,  my dousing was imminent.

sleeping bulldogs on the porchIn summer, the stoop is used for afternoon sun bathing.

Hours later I returned to the island and a gentler weather pattern. I grabbed my purchased mainland provisions,including a 25-pound bag of sugar (it’s jam-making season) and other sundries from the car, and headed for the back door (my entrance of choice). Up two stairs to the stoop, and I was already calling Boz and Gracie as I pushed the mudroom door open.

Both squeezed through the kitchen dog door (like toothpaste through a tube) to the mudroom where I was now standing. Bulldog butts a wagging, sloppy snorts a welcoming, Boz and Gracie were excited to see me, but came no closer.  At that moment, my nose picked up the powerful force field that kept them at bay: the poo on my shoe.

Exasperated, I set my supplies down, and turned to look behind me. It was all too clear what Boz had done. (Gracie is too much a lady for this exploit.) Off to do his business, Boz must have exited the mudroom dog door during the morning torrent, only to find the makings of water world before him. No problem for the wily pooch. He turned around on the covered stoop and backed up its edge like a dump truck in reverse (beep, beep, beep), and proceeded to unload his cargo on the step below, all before wedging his way back through the dog door to the coziness of his favorite sofa. Dry, relieved, and back inside, Boz resumed his nap, his mission accomplished while mine within seconds of my return home.

There is a silver lining though, while my porch and shoes needed immediate attention, two back molars should be good for decades to come and jam making is on the kitchen agenda.

bulldog in a poolBoz doesn’t mind getting wet if it’s on his terms.

Oh and I do have another funny story about gassy bulldogs and dinner guests, but I’ll save that indignity for another day.


  1. oh what a chuckle and a dance down memory lane. our bullie-babies use to do the same thing. love the stories about your bullie-babies!

    ps why is it we never learn when it comes to our bullies, if there’s a short cut they will find it.

  2. Haha, I thought my girls were dainty as they refuse to go out in the rain too. You have to hand it to Boz, he was pretty creative, and at least it was outside. I’m sorry, but that ‘sunbathing’ photo is hilarious. Are you sure those two weren’t partying the night before? 😉

  3. My sister’s bulldog, Mack, might be a brother to Boz. Certainly a brother in arms, if not blood. He has done similar things, all with a completely innocent face and wiggling butt.

    The only difference is that Mack loves the rain, and ditch water, mud holes – any patch of water he can find.

    Ah, but they love their humans most of all.

  4. “Furry, little savants”?
    It must be a bulldog trait. Pipi has been known to do this during inclement weather, also. And for me, right outside the door is better than in the corner of the bedroom!

  5. The gassy bulldog comment reminded me of the James Herriot story about a boxer with a flatulence issue. ” ‘Tell me,’ he queried solicitously, ‘How is your farting Boxer today?'” It’s in “James Herriot’s Dog Stories” – if you haven’t seen it before. I laugh myself silly every time I read it.

    • That’s is funny Victoria, Boz and Gracie have been known to clear a room, so I’ll have to read that story for sure.Thanks for the comment and bringing James Herriot’s Dog Stories to my attention. cheers Tom

  6. My Pembroke Corgi would get into any pond, creek and water puddle but hated taking a bath. He also hated having to go outside to do his business on a rainy day. He’d let me know that he was highly insulted about it. My Great Pyrenees just loves the rain. He is the first dog of mine that ignores rain and thunder. My goats on the other hand think that they will melt if a rain drop lands on them At the first drop of rain they make a mad dash to the barn.
    Having critters is always lots of laughs and sometimes tears but I am always grateful to have them in my life. Give Boz and Gracie a kiss for me!

  7. I just recently found your blog. Love this post! I have 2 French Bulldogs and they sound so similar to your 2 English. Bull-headed….check! Gas that requires a gas mask…..check! Fear of melting if they get wet……check-check! 🙂 Great blog – I’m enjoying it tremendously.


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