Salmonberry Flower: Pretty in Pink


I don’t have a whole lot to say this morning (now there’s a switch), but this blossom from a volunteer salmonberry bush (Rubus spectabilis) caught my attention, and I thought perhaps yours would like to be caught, as well.

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  1. Almost as pink as your thumb-aren’t gardeners thumbs supposed to be green? Isn’t it amazing how we rely on small , seasonal blooming plants to bring us joy through their brilliant coloring, and perfume.

    • Tamara, my thumb is pink because I took a scrub brush to it–must have erased a little of the green while tackling a whole lot of the dirty.

  2. So pretty. We have a beach close by where salmon berries grow wild, and their blossoms are lovely and fragrant. (at least I think they are salmon berries) So nice to see the early signs of spring!

    • Chris, the salmonberry is a pretty little native plant with a rather bland tasting (albeit again, lovely)gold berry, that resembles a little cluster of salmon eggs.

  3. Tom–you would love it up here in SE Alaska–salmonberries are the equivalent of your blackberries–they’re everywhere around here. Ours aren’t blooming yet….

  4. Oh! I love the color and the leaves remind me a
    little of the texture of mint leaves.
    I have never heard of it, thanks for sharing Tom 🙂
    And yet one more great reason…

  5. So THAT’S the sweet pink flower I’ve been admiring this spring. Love the bush – I could enjoy the flowers and the birds could enjoy the berries. Win-win!


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